Albums used to freak out your neighbors.


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
I have a ton that do, and right now since some loud shitz is happening outside my back door, so this is going on to drown it out:


I should get that album.

I live too far from any yewmans to scare them from my house, but I've freaked out some people at school with Opeth - Deliverance and probably a few people while driving with various albums.
Fuck... I'm Dead
Last Days of Humanity
Cock and Ball Torture
Libido Airbag
Nunwhore Commando 666
Dead Infection
Oh... and any band on Razorback is great in that category.
It's difficult to freak out my neighbours as they spend all day in the basement (no, they're not goths, but freaks nonetheless). I remember one time though when I was playing PL's "Lost Paradise", my dad would come into my room and ask - with a slightly scared expression on his face - if there was a wild animal locked up in here. :D
To actually freak people out just blast MERZBOW, or MASONNA as loud as possible...or stimbox...or any harsh noise really....
Agoraphobic Nosebleed
Meat Shits
Recently Vacated Graves

That Aborted album is so fucking good. The new one is stellar as well.
I've always been meaning to hit a telemarketer with a Blast of "A Funeral Wind Born in Oriana" but I can never get that shit in order before he or she is waiting for a response from me.
Besides obvious extremes like SunnO))))) or Esoteric, some really heavy and dark prog will do the trick (Larks Tongues pt. 1 and just about any abrasive Crimson instrumental/improv works great. Or Floyd or Can at their most drugged up.), or some of the more audacious Zappa stuff.