Albums worth having the original

Manic Ferocity

Active Member
Nov 5, 2006
Tons of albums get re-issued with bastardized cover art, remastered sound, unnecessary demo and live tracks, etc. This can sometimes affect the quality of the album.


Therion - Of Darkness...
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes

Also, Megadeth's first four remastered albums sound like shit compared to the originals so that's a given.
half of your sig is overrrated crap. why don't u mind your own business and name some albums instead of trying to start something.
I have the reissue (El Revengo). How is the original better? Doesn't it have a dif. track order?

I haven't heard the old cd yet, but I'm told it's a different mix from the reissue. On the original you're able to hear the bass a lot clearer and the guitar isn't as high up in the mix. I heard a few people complaining about the new mix and saying they much preferred the old one. I'd definitely like to get a cdr cause owning it is probably impo$$ible for me.
Oh! Big one! There are some Ozzy reissues out there which have had the original bass (Bob Daisly) and drum (Lee Kerslake) tracks removed and replaced with bass and drums from WHO CARES.

This is metal blasphemy and these reissues should never be listened to or owned.
Oh! Big one! There are some Ozzy reissues out there which have had the original bass (Bob Daisly) and drum (Lee Kerslake) tracks removed and replaced with bass and drums from WHO CARES.

This is metal blasphemy and these reissues should never be listened to or owned.

I own one of them.

Fuck you.
What makes the Dreamweaver reissue so bad that it's worth dishing out $50 for the original? As far as I'm concerned, the Sabbat reissues are some of the most faithful I've come across.

I also don't mind the Demigod reissue much, and the demo is great.

Tiamat - Sumerian Cry is worth it simply because the artwork is completely desecrated 100% on the reissue.

The remaster sounds too hollow and loud for my tastes. It's not the worst remaster i've ever heard, but I definitely prefer the original. The original goes for a lot cheaper now(>30) and bootlegs costs even less than the remaster. anyways, if you're happy with the remaster than good for you, you've saved some money.
I'd much rather have the original album over a re-issued one any day, but I won't really complain if a re-issue or re-print is the only available.

However, I generally prefer having the normal, and original release over any special, limited edition as well. I'm the same with DVD's for some reason - I prefer not to have all the extra 'crap' that comes with those. Nuclear Blast has hideous special editions, how they take the artwork and give it an ugly grey frame around it and sabotage the album's artwork!
I freaking hate reissues and re-releases, so I try to avoid buying them at any juncture. I hate bonus songs, DVD extras, etc.
I tend to always go for the original presses due to reasons already mentioned in this thread. One thing that really pisses me off about some reissues is the unnecessary inclusion of entire albums on the same disc, with the front cover depicting smaller versions of the original artwork. I'm glad to say I own none of these and I refuse to ever buy any.

Particularly with Old School Death Metal, I like to have the originals not only for the music and original artwork, but as a piece of Death Metal history. These were all worth shelling out extra cash for (or simply persevering and hunting down second-hand copies while reissues were available):

Demigod - Slumber of Sullen Eyes
Miasma - Changes
Gorement - The Ending Quest
Beherit - The Oath of Black Blood
Sacramentum - Far Away from the Sun
Varathron - His Majesty at the Swamp
Therion - Beyond Sanctorum
Sinister - Cross the Styx / Diabolical Summoning
Adramelech - Psychostasia
Unleashed - Where No Life Dwells / Shadows in the Deep
Darkthrone - Transilvanian Hunger / Soulside Journey / Under a Funeral Moon/ A Blaze in the Northern Sky

I desperately want the original of Carbonized - For the Security. The reissue is among the worst I've ever seen.

Edit: And the fucking original of Merciless - The Awakening. On the reissue the spine reads: MERCILENSS - THE AWAKENING. :mad:
I don't mind having two albums on one disc, really. As long as the cover art is preserved somewhere on the release, I'm alright with it. I just can't stand when the album cover is completely changed. The original cover for Beyond Sanctorum kicks so much ass yet the re-issue has that boring black cover with not much on it.