Alcoholic Thrash Attack!

sounds pretty good
Originally posted by MURAI
This band is pretty cool. Just straight Thrash Metal.

Thanks:) This was a completely independent recording,with all the flaws this may involve,but the guys are really working on it,so expect even better stuff in the future!:D :D
Originally posted by forevernin
sounds pretty good

hehe:Smokedev:and it will sound even better soon!
The lads have already got a record deal,as i mentioned before,so i guess some things will be made easier and better:)

The demo will be released in a few days time,in a couple of hundred copies,pressed in tape.I dunno much about distribution,but if you're interested,you can just mail me and i'll fix everything:cool:
Originally posted by Deatheadrummer
Maybe they should get together with my band, we are pure old school speed metal so I think we would work well together.

Nice!Could you give me a link or something?The underground scene must be supported:)
Organising independent concerts is way cool,creating some impulsive havoc and that,although the distance can be major obstacle.You never know tho:)

What's more,the guys are gettin'in the studio next week,to capture a full massacre,the release of which is not yet set.It will be soon anyway:)check the website for more news or contact me.

Thank you all,very much again!

Cheers(and beers)

*Drunk with life for life*