Your first alcoholic experience...

Haha big spew head, fuck i've never spewed all over the joint, or lusted for some tea. You mention wasted people tend to be annoying, well i say if one of your mates tends to get fucked therefore ruining your night because you have to look after him, and the process of helping him isn't funny at all, just annoying and hard, then they deserve a big sober punch to the face.

Carline your mum is so "caring" yet "cool" to let you go back after a big cuppa :lol:, maybe that cuppa made all alco taste shit from there on since you've been so responsable eversince haha

And that "running in with the law drunk" question is for everyone... which includes u WOwowoWO
First ever drunken experience: I drank 4 or 5 beers and a couple of 'Sorte svin' (means black bastards - vodka with crushed pepper flavoured candy. Awful stuff!)

Had to ride my my bicycle to a friends house, (my parents did´t know I´d acquired the taste of beer), but crashed my bike...
Had a lot of explaining to do the next day! But ofcourse my parents believed their little saint....
If they´d only known what their 14 year old son was doing!
First ever drunken experience: I drank 4 or 5 beers and a couple of 'Sorte svin' (means black bastards - vodka with crushed pepper flavoured candy. Awful stuff!)
Haha, my friend once mixed vodka with liquorice-candy.. only the Devil knows why. Anyway, it didnt really please his tastes either, but he kept the bottle. One day we got together at his place to drink before going out and found the bottle and another friend goes "Hey you got vodka..... with concrete!?"
The Vodka-Concrete has been a classic here ever since :D
Ok, not my first alcoholic experience, but my first alcoholic experience where i couldn't actually remember the night before:ill:

The other night me and some mates went out to some big party on a farm in a huge shed, heaps of people from a few towns across the area. I drank 4 crownies then moved onto a 6 pack of cougar.

Mixing beer and bourbon is not good, but it never fucked me right up. But this night i decided to try a beer bong with my mate who is a big drinker. Fuck that shit! i had 3 cans in 10 mins, it didn't hit me at first, but shortly we left the party and went to the pub... and this is what i can't remember.

I thought i was there maybe half an hour, i remember talking to a few people, then i thought fuck i have to get out of here, i ended up at maccas down the road, sitting on wet seats, head down on the table, i was fucked. Some lady was telling me off for trying to spew, i think i was coughing, then i went off at her cos i wasn't spewing :p then i appeared a few blocks down the road and some chick and her tits were asking me if i was ok and needed a taxi, then i found one and got my ass home... thats all i remember.

The next day me mate tells me a whole different story.
We were there for like 3 hours, i sat down with some girls we knew, smashed ones drink all over her, didnt even notice and kept on talking, we had some shots with a bar maid who we owed, she gave me this real strong one (3 wisemen.. or something), and I was that fucked my mate said i didnt even notice i drank it. I tried setting her up with my mate who already has a gf, he was punching me in the arm saying shut up but i kept at it :lol: Then some guy i knew was smashing the atm, and when he got his money, i took it and he started swinging at me but missed, then i gave it back to him and we laughed. Then i used the atm and i was swiping a dollar coin. Then i was in the toilets leaning on some guy who was trying to have a piss just talking my head off about nothing. And when i was fucked outside some guy was trying to fight me and me mates, he punched the table i was on, then me mates got him away.

Bwah nothing really crazy, but i can't believe all this stuff happened :p It's good to know that when im off me head im just TALKITIVE and happy, but it scares me to know u are capapble of all this stuff yet ur fucked.

What type of drunks are u? one of me mates goes from "i love you man" to "im going to fucking smash this cunt" kinda drunk, where another is a "sooky emotional" drunk.

Pub > Clubs ftw:kickass:
haha, a bottle of Skol Vodka took from the parents, drank it with a couple of buddies, ditched the rest in some forest, then walked to the movie theatre we got lost like 10 times haha and i fell over so many times, went to a gas station bought some candy, smoked squares non stop and i dont really remember the rest.
I had a SHIT LOAD of Vodka on a house boat. The only thing that was bad was that it was hot, but no worries because I jumped into the lake we were on and it was fucking great. Afterwards we rented Jet Ski's and rode those fuckers like Evel Knievel. I hit 60 on it and I probably threw my friend off the back like 5 times when I did reaalllyyy sharp turns.

Got drunk in my Motherland. My friend and I plus a few ladies finished 2 handles of Vodka and that marked my greatest drunk ever. It was nice and cool outside and I hooked up with the ladies i was chillin with so that was pretty nice.

New Years was kinda lame, I got really shitfaced but I do much...meh
Well I'm really tiny and ended up getting kinda drunk off like 2 beers and a couple shots but I drank them fast...and my first alcholic experience resulted in me making out with a big greasy dude on a bass amp...
I went to a little christmas party with my girlfriend, to a house that was abandoned. Kinda. There was a house right next to it. But anyway it was the first time I would get drunk and I drank Jack Daniels. There were only 4 of us and the other three went inside to the bathroom but I stayed outside. This was after I drank a bit of that whiskey. Suddenly I had an urge to watch the stars in the sky then I thought 'I have never seen so many stars...Why am I speaking outloud' Then I ran to the other house and started howling outside a window...and blaablaablaa they humiliated me for the rest of the night. I wish I would be better in explaining things. :)

I like whiskey.
Sadly I can't remember my first. Which is pretty bad considering I'm not of legal age yet. The most I've every drank was with my cousin which was; 1 colt 45. (cheap 40 oz. crap) and one of those 32 oz. heiniken mini kegs. We split a 12 pack and I downed a couple glasses of Jameson's ontop of that. (he's too much of a pussy to drink hard stuff) I was so messed up my girl poured a smirnoff ice down the back of my pants as a joke and I barely felt it. I then proceeded to fall asleep on the living room floor like a real man. Unlike My cousin who spewed on his bed and girlfriend; which wasn't pretty considering we had spinach and feta pizza for dinner. Oddly enough I wasn't hung over the next day. :kickass:
I've drank beer since I was 12 or smt, the first time I got really drunk I was 14 I think. Along with some friends I got invited to some party where everyone else was 16/17 or so (the girl whose house it was was moving away up north or smt). I recall drinking about 8 beers and a bottle of wine followed by some vodka and then going on a quest to get Jack Daniels which I drank maybe 3/4 of a bottle, the rest of it ended up all over my face/shirt etc. Also drank olive oil because after tricking my mate into thinking it was wine he managed to do the same to me.. After that I don't really remember anything but apparently along with 2 girls I was sick all over the house and all over my mates back. Still I managed to walk the 2 miles or so back home and climb the stairs/get into bed unaided.
My first experience with alcohol was when I was about 12 years old. Over the time period of twelve hours or so i consumed about 18 beers and a fifth of dry gin (sick shit). Then i puked nine times. 3 on a love seat, 3 on a sofa, and three in my friends living room. After that first 5 oz glass i chugged i fell straight on my fucking face. Good times but i probably wont overdo it like that again. I drink occasionally but im not :puke: an alchy.
tip of the day kiddies! drink a huge glass of water and take 2 asprin before you drink, I gaurantee you will never get a hangover. Works for me because I have never had a hangover....ever :headbang:
I was 19, and drinking in Canada. I had a Heineken, and it tasted like piss (they still do). I practically spit it out, and said "dear god, this stuff tastes awful!"

I didn't drink another beer until three or four months later. I got a Sierra Nevada from a friend, and decided that beer wasn't so bad after all. I've been a fan ever since, and occasionally drink hard cider or liquor and mixed drinks at parties.

My favorite beer would have to be Trois Pistoles, as made by Unibroue of Québec. Beautiful stuff, just magnificent.
I cant forget my first time...

i was with twoo buddies and we had money to spend, so we went to the liquir and asked a guy to buy us a vodka(povpo), tequila(jimador) the end of the night i was fucken loaded...we ended us sleeping at the park and being woken up by some people that thought we were dead
First time I drank whiskey straight from the bottle with my best friend behind the church halfway between our houses at night. As for the worst times... well I've suppressed these memories, let's not bring them back.
I drank a glass of moonshine when I was 8. That was probably my first alchoholic experience. It was also one of my worst. Unfortunately thats probably all I remember about it. I remember thinking 'hey this water smells fonky'. Thats about it.
Hahaha.....My first ever alcoholic experience was actually yesterday, the day after my b-day when I turned legal to drink in the US. I got a specialty magarita w/ a shot. I'm basically a n00b because I was pretty far gone with just that. Wow.