Your first alcoholic experience...

If I recall at all well, my first significant drinking experience was when I was approximately fourteen. Two friends and myself wandered into the wood behind where they lived, we got a small fire going, and proceeded to consume, as best we could, a thermos full of something called Coyote Tequila, which thankfully, is no longer made (it was a bad idea: spiced rum works, as it uses sweet flavors, this shit tasted like tequila mixed with oregeno). I believe there were also three or four Miller Genuine Draft bottles. But those were the days, when getting a 12 pack of Keystone Light was pretty much the standard, so MGD was a step up. Drinking seemed a lot more fun back in those days.
I've been drunk a grand total of twice in my 20 years of life, and the first was nothing fantastic. I had had a few mixed drinks with the boyfriend and a bunch of his coworkers at a local Bateman's one night. Walking back to the dorms I was quite able to stroll in a straight line, speak clearly, yet I knew I was drunk.

That was my awesome experience. :)
What's a tweaker? :s

i love tweakers

a tweak-er is person that performs the verb of tweak-ing
a "tweaker" is what you call a "crack-head" that's using Crystal Meth instead of Crack
Who'd have thought it - LRD makes a constructive post!

trying to help out confused people
you'd have done the same if someone had asked a question you knew the answer too
the other people on the board prolly thought you were just joking when you asked what a tweeker was