Your first alcoholic experience...

My girlfriend says it tastes like moose piss

She's also from Canada, so I take her word on both accounts :lol:
ive been occasionaly drinking beer since i was about nine, but never really got pissed until 13. It was just on udl wich is kind of embarassing but i ended up passing out and spending the night half naked in the shower.

the worst: a couple of months ago i had a small party at my house wich involved 7 people, a bottle of wild turkey, half a bottle of dewars(mmmm) and a bottle of absolute. i made the mistake of not eating all day and downing several no-doze. by three suprisingly i could still walk (kind of) and me and my friends whent around beating the shit out of eachover in some park before i came home, passed out at home and woke up at corinda station with my jacket covered in bile:cry:. when i came home i found three used condoms in my room and spent the day cleaning up doritos and ash. i had a hangover for two days

the newest: shit, it was my friends sixteenth, i was half drunk and i spent the night holding my friend jordies hair back, and making sure he didnt drown.
I dunno why people always diss the light lager beers. I love my Carlsberg and Heineken. Guess some people just wanna be tr00 kvlt ale drinkers.

Hey, I like Heineken.

Just can't stand that damn Coors Light. @ Faith No More: Good for you for tolerating that.

Hmm beer is very good. The only other female I know who likes it is my butch lesbian friend. Go figure.

I hate cocktails, though. I hates 'em!
My girlfriend loves beer; shit like rogue, guinness, hobgoblin, some chocolate double stout beer, and a lot of other stuff.
When I was 16, my dad got a bottle of Jack Daniels from someone as a gift and didn't want it, so he said I could have it. A couple months later, some friends from school invited me out to party and I brought along the bottle of JD. We had beer, wine coolers and my whiskey. I had a few beers, a wine cooler and several swigs of Jack. At the end of the night, I was stumbling home. I was a block away from home and next to a school. I puked my guts out on the steps leading up to the school. Few minutes later at the corner traffic light, I spotted a cop, so I hid behind a row of shrubs at the school and tossed my backpack containing the alcohol in the bushes in case the cop saw me. The cop passed without seeing me, so I get up and look for my backpack. I'm drunk for the first time and the lighting sucked and I couldn't find my backpack. I said screw it, and decided to just stop by the school on Sat morning on my way to work in a few hours. I get home..front door is locked and I don't have a key.. I didn't knock since I didn't want my parents to see me wasted and staggering. I went to the kiddie playground next to our apt and took a nap on the slide for a while. Woke up little while later and tried the door again..It's unlocked!! Woohoo! Guess my parents woke up and noticed I wasn't home yet and unlocked it for me.

Next morning, I wake up early for work and hop in dad's car to drive to work. I stop at the school and found my backpack in 5 seconds, laying out in the open next to the shrubs. I toss the backpack in the back seat and drive to work. Get done with work for the day and get in the car to drive home. It was a hot day and the car reeked of some whiskey that was spilled in the backpack. I about puked from smelling the whiskey and quickly rolled down all the windows.

That was about 20 years ago and I still get queasy if I smell Jack Daniels.

I was 9 years old...I drank a 12 pack of Old Milwaukee...running around as a hyper-active child running into about every wall I could mom asked me what was wrong and I told her she needed to shut her fucking mouth she slapped the hell out of me and I threw up on her.
oh my. me and my buddy decided to get wasted on tuesday. we ended up buying a bunch of ouzo and drinking pretty much all of it. on the good side we actually won a few bucks on poker despite being shitfaced as hell :lol:
I was 9 years old...I drank a 12 pack of Old Milwaukee...running around as a hyper-active child running into about every wall I could mom asked me what was wrong and I told her she needed to shut her fucking mouth she slapped the hell out of me and I threw up on her.

haha ive piuked on my mum before. when i move out im probably going to look back on my years of childhood and think "what a twat".
First time I ever got full out drink was in my basement with my friend. We have a bar and friend and I got curious and decided to drink a bottle of whiskey (bad idea). Long story short, I beat the shit out of this kid, blacked out, then cried for an hour (I was 12 at the time)
First time I ever got full out drink was in my basement with my friend. We have a bar and friend and I got curious and decided to drink a bottle of whiskey (bad idea). Long story short, I beat the shit out of this kid, blacked out, then cried for an hour (I was 12 at the time)