Your first alcoholic experience...

It was thick, yellow, and of mexican origin...

So...yeah, I can't stand teh tast of liquor now :/
I just don't get it :(


Man. I remember getting really drunk on Bacardi with my friends two years ago. We were walking around the back roads of town, waiting for her mother to go to sleep so we could go back into her house. A cop drove down the street and we were trashed beyond belief. He asked us where we were going and for some reason we all came up with the same story really quickly, and we didn't seem that bad. All was well and good until I told the cop to drive safely -- which caused him to almost pull us over and question us, but luckily he had to leave. I got so much shit from my friends from that night.

I also remember being strangely philosophical. Like, "Holy shit, the stars are so big and we are so damn small! No way man!" Pretty stupid shit, I tell ya.

When I'm around metal people while drunk we always end up singing Manowar's "I Believe" at the top of our lungs. It makes for nice party moments. ;)
first time drinking ever was when I was 18 or 19 not really sure.
but I tried to keep it with a buddy that was in college and drank all the time. double shots of goldschlager is teh nasty! ended up puking up into a cup that was upside down and having it spill out back onto my face and shoulder.
the chick across from me was like "ewwww, oh my god!!!" I pointed at her and started laughing hard as fuck.
a couple hours later I sat in my buddies car and had other drunks do my paperroute, so many complaints that day. :lol:
My first experience was sitting on my dad's lap during a new years party when I was 3. I asked him for a sip of beer, and of course I spit it out. He ended up drinking way too much and spent the rest of the night puking. I still remember the smell of it. :ill:

The first time I actually got drunk was when I was about 11 or 12. I was spending the night with some older cousins and they gave me some mad dog.

A few weeks ago I went to see COB with a friend of mine, and ended up drinking just a bit too much. It was the first time ever that I don't remember everything that took place while drinking, which was a bit scary. I remember sitting out on the sidewalk puking all over myself and crying. I had to have my friend call my sister to give us a ride home. I guess I smelled so bad that it made my sister puke, lol. My family is still giving me shit about it. :( I just feel bad that I lost my favorite glasses and that my friend lost his jacket while helping me. Oh well....I have a 2 drink limit now.
awesome stories :p i've also had a few accidental cases of waking up in bed with some of my female friends after a drunk night. usually i at least have enough brains to choose a goodlooking one :)

:lol: Yeah did that at a New Years party, woke up with one next to me on the sofa. Didnt know what I had done but she seemed pretty happy, so I just smiled and said yeh it was nice. Cant actually ask her now, 'oh yeh you know I said it was good, what was it?' Hmmmm.
My first experience was camping with my father.. He was drinking Jack & coke.. and Asked if i wanted to try some.. (i was 14)

next thing u know.. we are both smashed and being stupid.. was great fun until mom got back.. LMAO. Id never seen my mom B*TCH my dad out before.. but it was pretty good:zombie:
@Faith No More: haha, I wish you would ask it. I'd almost pay ya to do it and post the response :lol:

@dcox931: the moment when your mom came home sounds like one of those infinite classics you'll never forget :D
your not kidding.. LMAO.. My poor father was just tryin to be a good dad.. but NOO.. evil mom had to come in and be a total wench about it.. rofl

:kickass: to my dad! :headbang:
your not kidding.. LMAO.. My poor father was just tryin to be a good dad.. but NOO.. evil mom had to come in and be a total wench about it.. rofl

:kickass: to my dad! :headbang:

Hahahaha! That's a great story. ;)
First experience: Without parents knowing went to party, drank 9 beers in about 30-40 minutes (no kidding, inexperience meant I had no concept of pacing oneself) was stupidly drunk and spent most of the night throwing up, while saying to mates "I'm never drinking again". Needless to say I was back at it a couple of weeks later.
My parents were having a party when I was about 7 or 8, and one of their friends gave me a sip of his beer without their knowing.

My first major drunk was when I was 15, right before I started high school, back in summer 1978. I went to a kegger right before going to see UFO and AC/DC at Bradley University's Robertson Memorial Fieldhouse- I was in the front row and just about barfed right in front of Phil Mogg.
haha. being sick at concerts suck. I saw overkill at swedenrock being dead hungover. the day before I had downed 10 beers, and this norwegian guy comes and starts talking about death and kreator and gave me whiskey. next time i know im sleeping on the ground in a pile of puke.

next day i woke up at 1 PM feeling like absolute shite, whining about wanting to home etc. and overkill was 3 PM. somehow i recovered pretty much enough to go see 'em after puking some more
My first experience was at Orthodox New Year party. My frieds made a compaticion: Who can drink more "Shljivovitza". I didn't win, but my stomach was living "Shljivovitza" factory. I was 13.


haha. being sick at concerts suck. I saw overkill at swedenrock being dead hungover. the day before I had downed 10 beers, and this norwegian guy comes and starts talking about death and kreator and gave me whiskey. next time i know im sleeping on the ground in a pile of puke.

next day i woke up at 1 PM feeling like absolute shite, whining about wanting to home etc. and overkill was 3 PM. somehow i recovered pretty much enough to go see 'em after puking some more

If you think that's bad, I had a friend who in July 1982 drank a whole fifth of Evan Williams whiskey, a 12-pack of beer and some wine before a Scorpions/Iron Maiden/Girlschool concert at the Prairie Capital Convention Center down in Springfield. He puked NO LESS THAN 7 times and passed out twice, missing Girlschool's opening set. He survived however, even though the manager of a nearby McDonald's said he would "personally kick his ass to the Moon" if he ever saw him again.
haha. being drunk at burger restaurants own. i ate two double cheeseburgers and one regular one and then we got beer over pretty much the whole table. some bitch complained and i pretty much said fawk off
haha. being drunk at burger restaurants own. i ate two double cheeseburgers and one regular one and then we got beer over pretty much the whole table. some bitch complained and i pretty much said fawk off

Hahaha. I got drunk in this random restaurant in upstate NY -- I was with two of my male friends. I'm underage so it was cool that I got served, as well. (We had pre-gamed it, boozewise.) Anyways, we were sloshed and we thought she was hot so we left her a big fat tip. Was nice.
My first time getting drunk was from a six pack of natural light, and then a big ass glass of half golden grain and half coke. So of course the night ended with me puking and swearing to never drink again. I was only 13....
But that next weekend I got drunk again.
I remeber my first alcoholic expierience but it was boring as fuck. I drank 5 beeers and that is it. My worst experience, actually I have two worst alcoholic experiences.

Firts: 4 years ago, I was in forest with my couple of friends, I drank a full bottle of 40% vodka in less than 1 hour. I fell asleep after 10 minutes before finnishing the bottle. I puked on myself, I was fed by my friends with some bread. I got up after 2 hours and I had a hangover for 3 fucking days.

Second: It was during new years eve, 2 years ago, with my girfriend and couple of other people. I was so fucking stupid to drink a full bottle of vodka in 30 minutes. I went outside with my friends, I wanted to beat the shit out of my friend (I still don't know why) and I completely forgot where my girlfriend is. I had lost my consciousness, I left my girlfriend alone with my friends. I don't recall anything after the fight with my friend. I still feel guilty because I know that my girlfriend remembers the damn night.