Alehorn of Power 8

very opinionated review

Lady Beast - seemed unsure of themselves, they were an extremely okay band
Savage Master - hoods, chains, and leotard aside they completely controlled the stage, they like Satan (the devil, not the band), left handed drummer, one guy needed a bigger leather vest, interested to hear the music without the visuals and see if it has as much of an impact
High Spirits - perfect as usual, great set list, intensity on stage that rivals Slough Feg,
Valkyrie - it's never an easy task to follow High Spirits, they didn't play my favorite song
Bible of the Devil - good set, not their best set list but the fact that the singer remembered buying the Arnold Workout LP from me at DOTD was awesome, he said Arnold talks through the whole thing
Slough Feg - brilliant, more bands need to watch these guys are doing, love the elements of improvisation, when this band is on stage it is dangerous, you believe they are fighting battles or whizzing through space, wished they would have played longer and so did the whole crowd, band with the most guitar necks into the crowd, band with the most hats

Overall another great Alehorn. I would say the attendance was close to last year which was surprising as I heard it was not selling well from Jason. I was expecting to have a half empty room but it was pretty packed at times.
Didn't see Lady Beast, but I fucking loved Savage Master. Definitely going to be on my lists. Maybe I'm just so swooned by the cutie vocalist, but those tunes are good too. I was kinda bored during High Spirits, as I've seen them plenty of times, but they were good as usual. I was tired and just fucking ready for SLough Feg by the time Valkyrie hit the stage. They had great tone, loved the bassist's huge fucking sound. They played for a good amount of time though. I never felt like it was dragging. Just saw BOTD a few weeks ago so I didn't really care much to see them again, but I had fun.

And of course, Slough Feg rules. I just love Scalzi's stage presence up there. He's such a goofus dingus. He looks strange, walks around changing his hat every 5 minutes, slamming back PBRs, and hitting on all the cute girls. Highlight of the night: watch Scalzi slam his head into the wall. Fucking great. Could have used a song or two more from Traveller instead of playing 4 from DOTDM, but whatever. I'll gladly trade Marauder for High Passage/Low Passage anyday.
Overall another great Alehorn. I would say the attendance was close to last year which was surprising as I heard it was not selling well from Jason. I was expecting to have a half empty room but it was pretty packed at times.

I talked to Greg for a bit when I got there, and he said they sold more tickets in Pre sale this year than they did for Manilla Road last year.
Simon's review

Lady Beast - When they were playing, I thought they were pretty damn good live. Catchy stuff. My only issue is I feel with their music, the singer needs to have more edge to her voice. Secondly, the singer truly needs to work on her banter as she seemed quite awkward up there between songs.

Savage Master - Yes, they definitely have a stage presence with their look, but I was surprised how great of players they were. They owned that stage from the moment they got on stage to the moment they left. I love the singer's vocals too.

High Spirits - One of the best live bands out there period. My third time I believe seeing them and they never disappoint. Really nothing to say but that.

Valkyrie - Due to how great the previous bands were, particularly High Spirits who were right before them, it was very difficult to get into them. They seemed like a good band with a great tone and such, but I just was not in the mood.

Bible of the Devil - As I've said previously with this band, I understand what they're trying to do with being a current Thin Lizzy, but I just don't like their songs. As such, Dave and I went next door to get some grub as to not fall asleep before Slough Feg.

Slough Feg - As Pat said, a lot of bands need to learn from Slough Feg. They are absolutely one of the most unpredictable bands on stage, particularly Scalzi who at any point in time could be anywhere in the room. Probably the funniest part was when he told Pat that he was scarier than he was. While I wish they played longer, I can't really complain about their set.

Considering how people have said how little people Slough Feg draws, I was surprised how many people were there. Overall a great show though with a great mix of bands, and I'm glad I was finally able to see Slough Feg.
Haha yeah during the cover he was sitting on the monitor sort of serenading me and he gave me some crazy eyes so I gave him a crazy stare right back and he cracked up. I think his words word something like "wow you stared right back at me" not that I was scary.
Alehorn sounded killer! If it were a bigger show with more bands I'd probably consider a 2nd Chi-town trip for it.

Reading the Lady Beast reviews reminded me of a story from Ragnarokkr.

So, myself, the Olorin guys and Jason from Skelator hosted a pretty big party in our hotel room on friday night, there must have been like 25, 30 people hanging out. At some point, two guys from Lady Beast show up. They get recognized, shake some hands. One of them asks the room at large "Hey, is Dan here? Anyone seen Dan?" no one really replies so they keep asking. Eventually someone points at me and says "this is Jeff's room, ask him." So the guy comes up to me and asks if I've seen Dan. I assume that they're talking about Dan Neild from Gatekrashor, so I'm like "no dude, Dan didn't make it. He's in Calgary." They give me this fucking bonkers look.
By this time, the room has quieted down a bit because no one knows what the fuck we're talking about. Eventually I realize that they're not talking about Dan Neild, so I call out "hey, is anyone here named Dan?" everyone just mumbles "no, man." The guy who was asking for Dan kind of scans everyone in the room with this really flustered look, then turns to his buddy and snaps "he's not in here." and stomps out. I almost pissed my pants laughing