Alehorn of Power 8

I wasn't sure if Savage Master would be good or if the would just look cool, but they really kicked ass. They impressed me so much I bought a shirt!

I haven't kept up with Slough Feg, so I didn't recognize a lot of their songs, but they were really good too. I gave Scalzi a "Swords of Steel" flyer while he was onstage singing. I didn't catch what he said about it, but we laughed and he shook my hand. It was pretty cool.
I guess I'll do a mini overview of my thoughts here...

Lady Beast - I really enjoyed them. The vocals needed a bit more pop to them, but the music was great and I really liked the set.

Savage Master - I was... Really not a fan of this. Didn't care for the music, nor the shouty vocals. I may be the odd man out with this opinion.

High Spirits - Second time seeing them and it was even better (since I have their albums and know their material better) and even more energetic than I expected. Wish they had played Nights In Black instead of I Need Your Love is all. Picked up the new album and listened to it 3 times on the drive back towards Springfield. Highlight of the night for me.

Valkyrie - I enjoyed them. Vocals weren't mixed in too well for them up front but the guitarring was good.

Bible of the Devil - Not really a fan... I recognized all of the songs they played though. Did get to catch up with Bob and Joey during their set though, which was cool.

Slough Feg - I was pretty worn down by this point, but they had a really good stage presence and energy. I was sitting on the concrete stairs and didn't expect Scalzi to come walking across them while playing like 3 times. Wasn't overly familiar with most of their material (yes, I know, sorry Lee...) was the one draw back for me. I had the same problem with Manilla Road last year (only had Crystal Logic), but they were still great as well.
I don't get where people were saying this was a huge was way under 200. There was tons of room in the back part of the room. Once the mosh pit broke out...yeah a mosh pit for Slough Feg of 3 morons, It really opened up. Less than halfway through Slough Feg lots of people started leaving it seemed since it was getting late. Last years Alehorn was much more crowded.

My review....

Lady Beast - great set. lots of energy. Stage banter isn't the best. I was scared because it was super empty when they first came out but once a song or two in it started filling up.

Savage Master - expected a fun decent set...was blown away with the visual impact and great songs. Top notch.

High Spirits - really great high energy set. The new songs sounded great live. As usual it was too short of a set.

Valkryie - gave them a chance but not my thing at all.

Bible of the Devil - terrible. heard half a song and went outside in the extreme humidity and rain. had a better time talking to people.

Slough Feg - like stated before...all bands need to watch them live and learn from them.

funny tidbits
- I loved the free pictures that Slough Feg were giving out at the merch table. They were just shots of the band at various locations in San Fran. Clever but funny. The bass player pulled out piles for anyone who wanted any. He was telling me that promoters overseas offer them tons of money to play certain songs.

- watching Joey stare at Sandi from Savage Master on stage.

- seeing Lee and Veggie up front during High Spirits being human statues. Everyone was going nuts but they were frozen. Not sure they even blinked.
Meh, I wasn't surprised when the pit broke out. I mean, Slough Feg isn't a "pit" band, but whatever. It never really got too rowdy or anything. Sorry Simon for basically buttfucking you for a bit there.

I liked when Scalzi looked up and was like "Look at that pimp! Nice one brother!" or whatever.
Meh, I wasn't surprised when the pit broke out. I mean, Slough Feg isn't a "pit" band, but whatever. It never really got too rowdy or anything. Sorry Simon for basically buttfucking you for a bit there.

I liked when Scalzi looked up and was like "Look at that pimp! Nice one brother!" or whatever.

what sucks was there was a bunch of people enjoying the show and having a great spot while three dick heads had to run around and slam into everyone watching the show. Then they cleared out a huge hole in the middle of the crowd. So you basically had a semi full looking room to tons of people being crushed up front and people then standing way in the back. Sucks when people do that stuff. If it is a band you expect to have a pit...sure. But Slough Feg are not a pit band. Everyone was getting pissed too.
I'm surprised I haven't seen video surface from any of the Alehorn bands' performances yet.

It seemed no one was filming. I was in the middle for Slough Feg and I didn't see many phones come up filming at all. I figured someone would have shot something from the weekend. There is literally no videos of the second stage this year for Ragnarokkr either.