Alexander Kuoppala

Yeah i've heard a lot of shit about people talking about Alexander, but you know what? I just tell them to go eat shit and try and play one CoB song like he can, and then talk. Most of these nimrods have never even seen CoB live or heard the albums in their entirety, yet they talk a ton of shit! Alexander rules!
Well, what a weird discussion...

I have a lot of respect for Alexander, like any other CoB member, 'cos CoB's clearly a band where all members participate equally (forget this bullshit that "only Allu composes, the whole band's Allu", 'cos that's ridiculous)

Besides that, almost every guitar players that I pick as my favorite ones do only rhythm-guitars (or do the solos too, but kicks ass doing rhythm), cos I think to compose a KILLER guitar rhythm session or just even a KILLER riff is as hard as to compose a KILLER solo (or maybe harder). So just because Ale is "just" a rhythm-guitar player, it's not a reason to be putted in a lower level.

And it's even more ridiculous to discriminate the guy because of his looks... Who's the morrow that said that??(if someone actually said that here in the forum). Al looks very "metal", is good on stage, and a good musician! A person who says something like that is gay and lying.

Oh, he's older than the other guys... so wtf? Maybe that means he's even a more mature musician than the rest of the band.

To sum up, stop talking crazy, the guy chose to do only rhythm, he's good in it and the guy fucking rules!!!!

And of course, he's the king.