
Apr 17, 2007
I would like to know , actually , whats the big differences between these two guitars , the difference that would change your sound or ... If you guys could give me the prices too id appreciate:eek I'm willing to buy a ALEXI-600 but i dont know if it's a good deal or i could wait to get the ESP one. I looked at the hardware and specs , they're all the same exept , GROVERS KEYS for alexi-600 and neck thru-body instead of thru-body i think. Thanks for tips guys , i appreciate it :headbang:
Actually, both are Neck-Thru. The ltd's neck is painted and the Esp's is satinized. Other than that they have the same electronics and parts. The big difference is in quality. Most other guitars can't compare to the Ltd's craftsmanship, but the Esp is beyond even that. It all comes down to quality.
If you're in the US, you can't really get them. If you're not, then you can. Just ask a local dealer. The retail price is about 2600€.
I'm in a small town in Canada, and the "Local dealer" usually only carrys about 30-35 guitars at a time...half of them fenders. So I can't really get a whole lot. I could probably get the USA model, but they don't make it in black with white stripes. So I dunno...
does anyone know if i can get the alexi 600 white with black pinstripe in the uk

ive only ever seen it in other european countries and usa :(

and no shops where i live ?

:O thank you sooo much

:D thats the cheapest i seen it for too:)

the guy in the shop near me said i owuld be looking over 2,000 i was like okay....

but thank you soo much :)
I'd love to have one of Alexi's guitars just becuz he owns's another thing i can add to my collection of alexi stuff. Hmmm....idk the differnce between the guitars but i like ESP better. When they made the model, they should have made it the white one instead.
yeah i iketh esp better but soooooo much more money and tbh idont have it so i gotta prove to my stepdad i can actually play the Alexi 600 before he will get me the scyth i want seehes seen me play so i think hes just doing it to annoy me but mehhh llol.
It is a lot of money! I should have signed up for that contest they had a long time ago for the ESP. I could have been lucky and won.