Alexi and Janne drunk n online!!!

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Ignorance can sometimes be bliss and is part of my point, LL has experienced everyone ripping her down I mean don't you think she gets tired of it? so if she annoys you just add her to your ignore list.

And I do get the point of your thread I was merely using a biased interpretation to aid my point.

I think if she was tired of it she'd take a break from the usual posts and stand up for herself as Leena, not Lady_Laiho. But maybe ignorance is bliss in this case. Though she's not 5, we're not talking about a little girl being picked on at school. She should be able to defend herself.

I don't find her annoying so much, but amusing as stupid as it may sound. But I think that's a major point of this forum, for us to amuse each other. In exception of my last comment about her, my responses to her are meant to kind of smack some sense into her, but I guess that hasn't been accomplished.

And I'm not out to force my ideals onto her, I think I'm trying to provoke her to show a different side of herself. A side that is about her, not some outside element i.e. Alexi. That's probably the best way to put it.
Ahh I understand, it's just not only do I find her posts annoying, it kind of gets annoying when everyone else feels obliged to comment on her, and in the end I find these posts to be repetitive and more annoying.
So i'm sorry for any misunderstanding etc. :)
@Pheonix- I think of it this way, since she's there, I'm here being amused and a little annoyed, and she's going a little overboard, I might as well put it all to good use and work on my people skills. :p As in, compulsive and sometimes uncontrollable need to be sarcastic.

I practice on her when I have a great opportunity while also trying to crack her shell. I just want her to stop thinking about Alexi and notice me! :waah:
No offence intended but you 2 are ripping down LL because of her fangirlism, but Fastbodom you made your own thread ' zomgz i want alexi's hair' and LR you made a thread ' zomgz alexi has a medical braclet, we have somethin in common!!!!1!'

well oke i m an Fanboy but not that anoying like Lady Laiho...
and i wanted that kind of hair before i know about Alexi laiho wheheh :P :Saint:
OMG, i'm never going to shut up about these moments now! I'm sooooo damn lucky! I was on the same time as Janne was TWICE!! YAYAYAYAYY!!! And best of all, Janne replyed right after me! *faints* OMG, i had some contact with Bodom. Damn, i can't wait to meet them in person esp. Alexi. *giggles* guys really think i take your insults to heart? When i read them, i'm just amused by them. I don't get mad or hurt or whatever. And i can defend myself...i just wasn't on at the moment so i couldn't say anything. And Alexi would loooove to fuck me. The grim reaper doesn't deserve me.
OMG, i'm never going to shut up about these moments now! I'm sooooo damn lucky! I was on the same time as Janne was TWICE!! YAYAYAYAYY!!! And best of all, Janne replyed right after me! *faints* OMG, i had some contact with Bodom. Damn, i can't wait to meet them in person esp. Alexi. *giggles* guys really think i take your insults to heart? When i read them, i'm just amused by them. I don't get mad or hurt or whatever. And i can defend myself...i just wasn't on at the moment so i couldn't say anything. And Alexi would loooove to fuck me. The grim reaper doesn't deserve me.

please die?
no the Grim Reaper will kill you Before you Merry with Alexi so there goes your Dream

common Girl when do you start to think in Reality? i m sure alexi does not even want to Fell in love with you maby your not his type ;-)
I don't think i'm above Alexi!!! What????!!!! Hell no...never!! What gave you that idea????!!!!!!!!!! He's obviously above me and much better than me and probably deserves better than me but i love him so i have to be with him.

I am Alexi's type. I'll make myself his type no matter what it takes.....i'll have him. I'll do anything to get him and no i wouldn't want him to die with me but i'd die with him.
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