hi my name is Evan and i will be at your show on december 11 at the medley i was hopping if you and the other guys could sign my guitar !!! i would be fucking honnored!!!! (by the way you guys rock )
way to go Vikk

hi my name is Evan and i will be at your show on december 11 at the medley i was hopping if you and the other guys could sign my guitar !!! i would be fucking honnored!!!! (by the way you guys rock )
hi my name is Evan and i will be at your show on december 11 at the medley i was hopping if you and the other guys could sign my guitar !!! i would be fucking honnored!!!! (by the way you guys rock )
Hey, people hello, they're not drunk and online anymore.. they can't be.. so stop asking questions
Hey, people hello, they're not drunk and online anymore.. they can't be.. so stop asking questions
Hey, people hello, they're not drunk and online anymore.. they can't be.. so stop asking questions
oh man, did I miss them? What am I... five days late? Oh, so close.
yo muthafukkas´whazzup? drinkin with janne at my place, ready to destroy the whole city of hellsinki
OMG, why aren't i in Finalnd! Seriously, when i finnish colledge, i'm gonna move to Finalnd and find Alexi's house.
i think janne and alexi should say all of our usernames for a quote on the next album