Alexi passed away

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Yeah, the whole thing is just too weird. The lack of info, the info that come out raises questions. Officially, the exact date is still unofficial. Alexis best female friend/assistant said she spoke to him and the they wished each other a happy new year, apparently hours before he died. I thought maybe the 31 of December then since that's when you usually wish someone a happy new year. But could very well be the 30th or 29th if they didn't have plans to talk to each other before the new year. Kelli calling herself Wright-Laiho when she knew they didn't marry officially. And if Goss was aware about this wedding and still in love with Alexi, why didn't she come forward sooner. This business about not being to travel during the pandemic isn't convincing. I've traveled twice during the pandemic. Of course not between Australia and Finland, but travel has been possible these months. Heck, concerts aren't allowed most places around the world but Finland is having/had them. So surely if you really wanted to get from Australia to Finland you could.

In a way all this is somewhat in character with Alexi. He didn't come across like particularly genuine in interviews to me. He always seemed uncomfortable and willing to say any ol' thing to get it over with. Not sure if it's the same with interviews he did in Finnish. Some of you guys who have followed him more closely probably know more about this than I do. I actually stopped reading artist/band interviews and articles long time ago in large part due to this.
Yeah, the whole thing is just too weird. The lack of info, the info that come out raises questions. Officially, the exact date is still unofficial. Alexis best female friend/assistant said she spoke to him and the they wished each other a happy new year, apparently hours before he died. I thought maybe the 31 of December then since that's when you usually wish someone a happy new year. But could very well be the 30th or 29th if they didn't have plans to talk to each other before the new year. Kelli calling herself Wright-Laiho when she knew they didn't marry officially. And if Goss was aware about this wedding and still in love with Alexi, why didn't she come forward sooner. This business about not being to travel during the pandemic isn't convincing. I've traveled twice during the pandemic. Of course not between Australia and Finland, but travel has been possible these months. Heck, concerts aren't allowed most places around the world but Finland is having/had them. So surely if you really wanted to get from Australia to Finland you could.

In a way all this is somewhat in character with Alexi. He didn't come across like particularly genuine in interviews to me. He always seemed uncomfortable and willing to say any ol' thing to get it over with. Not sure if it's the same with interviews he did in Finnish. Some of you guys who have followed him more closely probably know more about this than I do. I actually stopped reading artist/band interviews and articles long time ago in large part due to this.

I doubt Alexi was exempt from the following categories:



Could he have been an immediate family member?



Not sure this is actually provable if they aren't married.

Perhaps... there is an exemption for "travelling for compassionate and compelling reasons"... whatever that means...??
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" So, Kylähullut was the booze drinking project band of Vesku Jokinen (Klamydia), Alexi and Tonmi Lillman (known from Ajattara,Lordi,To/Die/For)
Unfortunately, there's only Vesku left now.
Tonmi died 2012. That time,Vesku wrote a song with his main band Klamydia,called "Rakas hullu" , which translates to "dear crazy" or "nutcase", for him.
It included guests, Laiho in guitar solo,and Tuomas Holopainen from Nightwish on keyboards.
My friends in Finnish band called Kirkkovene covered the song after Laihos passing,and it even got posted by Klamydia to respect the memory of Alexi.
I made a really harsh translation quickly,but you get the idea. The original had a word "friend",new version says "Laiho".
"We drank liquor straight from the bottle and made rock n roll
Well, it ended up being shit, just ask the critics
It was raw, unpretentious, without any sensitive emotions
But we had fucking blast, It was our art
Memories live forever, they never disappear
They travel through eternity and carry a beautiful harvest
Goodbye dude, dear crazy
Says another village idiot
We will definitely see you again
Beyond the gate
Goodbye dude, dear crazy
Says another just as crazy
And we'll set up a king band
I'll take care of it
You don't always realize the magic of life
Especially when a friend leaves at a young age, faith begins to falter
The silent steps continue to the eternity
They will run out in time,and there are only tears left
There were never a boring moment with you
You lived your life fullest to the last cold wind
Goodbye dude, dear crazy
Says another village idiot
We will definitely see you again
Beyond the gate
Goodbye dude, dear crazy
Says another just as crazy
And we'll set up a king band
I'll take care of it
Goodbye dude, dear crazy
Says another village idiot
We will definitely see you again
Beyond the gate
Goodbye dude, dear crazy
Says another just as crazy
And we'll set up a king band
I'll take care of it
Goodbye Laiho, dear crazy
Says another village crazy
We will definitely see you again
Beyond the gate
Goodbye Laiho, dear crazy
Says another just as crazy
And the king band is set up
I'll take care of it" "

Kimberly, now.






So, both parties claim they have tons of messages from Alexi to proof they are right. But nobody shows any of this as actual proof.

It's hard to believe anyone this way.

Regarding Kim: It's still weird that she only posted a photo with Roope, who was definitely not close with Alexi anymore at all, still she claims that she's meeting with his closest friends.
And it's easy to say that his sister has been manipulated. She would probably even claim that Alexis parents are manipulated, if they would support Kelli lol

And that she's seriously implying that Kelli is responsible for Alexis bad health..... I don't know, that is completely ridiculous. Alexis health was going down hill since Halo of Blood times. He wrote Not my Funeral because he was told that he had only 10 more years to live by some doctor ("professional opinion"), which turned out to be true unfortunately.

On the other hand that gofundme was weird indeed. Alexi should have enough money to easily pay for a nice funeral, even if Kim would get half of it and dissappear. The other half would go to his parents, if I understood this correctly.
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It's still weird that she only posted a photo with Roope
Why would that be weird? It's not like they weren't in the same band. Roope might not have been close with Alexi after he was kicked out of COB, however that doesn't prevent him from paying respect or moving on forward.
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Photo from a party. That woman is the one who started the gofundme btw

I linked it already to the "COB Pics" topic. :)

" Alexis health was going down hill since Halo of Blood times. He wrote Not my Funeral because he was told that he had only 10 more years to live by some doctor ("professional opinion"), which turned out to be true unfortunately. "
Exactly. No matter who he was with, his condition would have deteriorated. I think so.
One more thing is that Kims statement is pretty much the complete opposite of everything Alexi wrote in his own book (or let Petri Silaas write about him for him).

She refers to Alexi as her best friend, yet Alexi wrote in his book that he thought several times about removing the tattoos about her from his body. He says that he still left them because they are part of his PAST(!!!).
This doesn't sound at all like he would call her his best friend.

She says that only she knows what Alexi wanted, yet Alexi wrote in his book that he would like to settle down in Australia after the end of his career and started buying some cars down there too.

She says that his family wasn't part of the rocknroll life and only his friends from there knew what he really wanted, yet she wasn't seen together with Alexi for like 17 years (?), probably doesn't even know Daniel and the other BAM guys Alexi referred to as his best friends in the latest interview and he also says in his book that his family, namely his parents, Anna and Kelli, are the most important things in his life.

I mean why would he let Silaas have written the complete opposite of his personal opinions and feelings in his book?
I think in this case it would be better take attorneys to solve this case. It wouldn't be hard to show how Alexi and Kim weren't together almost in two decades and they lived separated many, many years. There is a chance Kim doesn't know lots of things Alexi's recent life. Or maybe she does, who knows.

My personal opinion about Kelli isn't very good, but how Alexi talked about Kelli and Shelby in Guitar, Chaos & Control, it is not hard to see they meant world to him. In the end, things should go how Alexi would have wanted.
Maybe both sides are telling their truth... and they were each told something different by Alexi and each have proof. But the fact that he never divorced Kim, when he didn't even need her signature, makes me think at bare minimum he trusted her and her judgement very much.
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I think I shouldn't fucking care less.
It's absolutely private matters that shouldn't have come out publicly. I don't know these people.
Let them set their issue with lawyers, privately, quietly.
I'm glad there has not been such bullshit when Roope left or COB disbanded, the guys have been really professional even if undoubtedly frustrated. Silence is much better.
Maybe both sides are telling their truth... and they were each told something different by Alexi and each have proof.

Interesting, and I wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case.

That he didn't divorce her, tells me that either he was reckless in important affairs (which is what I think), or the time he spent with her meant something somehow.

One could also wonder, how come Goss never divorced Alexi, if it was so easy?
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I doubt Alexi was exempt from the following categories:


Could he have been an immediate family member?


Not sure this is actually provable if they aren't married.

Perhaps... there is an exemption for "travelling for compassionate and compelling reasons"... whatever that means...??

I'm sure they could have made a case for an excemption. But I was thinking more in terms of Kelli and the daughter traveling to Finland to be with him. It would have been impractical for him to be outside of Finland given his health.
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One thing is bugging me. Why she just appeared waving in everybody's face he never signed any papers? If he and Kelli married, Kelli would inherit all his money. Claiming they are still married Kimberly actually says "I am his wife, money comes to me".
She says they acused her in trying to get the money, started this public farce, making people split into "Team Kelli"and "Team Kimberly".
What if it's just like that?

Alexi Laiho aparted with Kimberly back at 2004. After years he was with Kristen, and now for the last he shared his life with Kelli Wright. Btw she posted just a black picture and said she is grieving. Kimberly started exposing personal photos of her and Alexi chatting, which is quite disrespectful. He never posted such things from his private life, I doubt he would like it. Anyway not a nice thing in any meaning.
I'm sure they could have made a case for an excemption. But I was thinking more in terms of Kelli and the daughter traveling to Finland to be with him. It would have been impractical for him to be outside of Finland given his health.

He never divorced and they didn't travel back to him because nobody planned his death. Even in your worst moments you are still thinking for tomorrow. "Hey, I broke my leg but after three months I will ask my boss to get me back to my old position". "Well I have bad health but in near future I will buy a house and start my own business in new town."
My point is death is never an option. They have planned their marriage and his ilness wasn't on the list. He would get better and they get married, him keep making fucking insane deathmetal, keep going on tours, maybe have their own child and die from boredoom at age ot 100 under the aurora skies.

Nobody's planning his own death, or the death if his beloved ones. My grandfather was old, very sick for years and after a month when his health just dropped almost to zero my mother was fighting as a mad woman to save him. It was obvious it's a time for him to go. It's never obvious for a young man full of ideas and not even at the middle of his life. So there's nothing to wonder about, tomorow is never questioned when you have a reason to live.
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Depends on what his illness was. I suspect he and others knew something about his prognosis. I mean Goss suddenly gets in touch with him, probably not to just catch up. Arcane mentioned that Alexi and Kelli had been apart for 10 months due to the pandemic. That's a long-time for a new-ish couple to be apart.
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