Alexi playing something..


Jul 19, 2007
In the shadows
1st of all I'm really, really, really sorry if this was posted b4:erk:

But I was just searchin throught you tube and found this

and thought I'd share it with you guys. Again really sorry if its been already posted:loco:
if you found this while searching through you tube, then it has been without a doubt posted or discussed here before
i used to hear that stuff @ school when i was a kid i think its mozart.

ive seen this video before in some finnish interview with alexi
This part's lyrics is:

He is going to kick your f**king ass,
And you know his name is Kyle Gass
Rocking and f**king rolling,
And f**king rocking, and f**king rolling
And f**king.....Bop bo bop bop bop bop pib pib pib pib pib pib pib babeuboop.
I really like his tone in this video, though his vibrato is so bad...