Alexi's Best Solo?


G-Unit Gangsta
Oct 31, 2005
Halifax, N.S, Canada
Tell me what you think Alexi's best recorded solo is (this includes from other bands such as Sinergy)...

I'd personally have to say his solo on "Midnight Madness" by Sinergy is fucking incredible for a very pentatonic Zakk Wyldish solo.. it's much better than any solo of that sort that Wylde has recorded.
zakk_hate_me_666 said:
mask of sanity is damn good

Is that jeff loomis photo fomr Toronto!?

Alexis best solos. HMmm... his Janne vs Alexi dual live was fucking killer. On an album? ... Don't know. Thats a tough one. They're all pretty good. I'd go with 24/7 or 6 pounder