Alexi's Guitar World columns...


† Fuck You Very Much †
Dec 24, 2005
Do any of you have any of his videos from this mag or any scans that you could upload?? Would be much appreciated.
it's simple.

just download cuteFTP and enter the details mentioned on the first page of the ftp thread
if u want i could scan some tabs and shit from the jan 1 young guitar issue (the issue, with alexi doing some shit with the new guitars like living dead beat and towards dead end) i dont know how to upload that video though. pm me if u really want it. plus does anyone have any vids or scans from the new begginers one? i dont think it could be on the ftp cuz it just came out...maybe?...idk how to work those things.
myYG Beginners 06 issue should arrive this week and I don't plan on scanning the tabs or ripping the dvd
guardian_of_fate said:
if u want i could scan some tabs and shit from the jan 1 young guitar issue (the issue, with alexi doing some shit with the new guitars like living dead beat and towards dead end) i dont know how to upload that video though. pm me if u really want it. plus does anyone have any vids or scans from the new begginers one? i dont think it could be on the ftp cuz it just came out...maybe?...idk how to work those things.

Im really interested in this video, one way to upload it is to get a FTP client to access to the rubenios FTP and put it here...
nola_bls said:
i got all of them...thos issues helpd my skill big time...but sorry dude...i have no clue how to upload them

but they were just Bodom songs. he never showed anyone anything else, like zakk wylde and dimebag did. well they talked about stuff. all alexi did was put extremely detailed descriptions of what he does when he plays the 2 or 3 songs that he put in there
nola_bls said:
i got all of them...thos issues helpd my skill big time...but sorry dude...i have no clue how to upload them

Wow, would you be able to upload them to and PM me with the links. If you need to know how to work it, I'll help you with that too.

I know there's some on You Tube but I want them to download.

Also, I'll look into that FTP thing!
fuck. i can figure out how to get the video from teh CD on the computer. any help would be appreciated. and when im not busy with my damn college shit ill scan the tabs and put em on my angelfire account and post the link here. i said pm me cuz i didnt know if i would get in trouble for putting the tabs here. better safe than sorry though.