Alexi's Skill Decreasing?

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Authentic Metalhead said:
He seems pretty sober to me, at least in that interview. But that much is obvious.

high and wasted != the same thing

but anyway, if you listen you will hear that he says "you know" a few times to many. But thats hardly proof enough.
id like to get a lesson from Finland

Does he speak proper english?
<-Warheart-> said:
I don't think I've come across any proper fanboys. I used to consier myself a huge fan but I never went over the top and I never claimed Alexi was the best or the faster guitarist because I know he's not.

He should stick this in a Children of Bodom song:

thats nuthing for cooley.
check this out:
and hes sweeping demo:
live skills:
Yeah he really is.

I've seen those videos before, very impressive.

And there's nothing wrong with We're Not Gonna Fall. :erk:
I don't think his skills are decreasing, I just think he just pays less attention to what he does nowadays (that guy drinks too much) so I guess he just doesn't care that much anymore. Like, on SW and HB all that stuff was kinda new to him so he spent a lot of time practising and I'm sure he was like more sober on gigs and he warmed up more and stuff

But now he is Alexi Laiho, I mean name a metal fan who doesn't know who he is... so he knows/thinks he has got fans who will always support him so he doesn't give a fuck and just writes

Hate crew deathroll wasn't that bad, but all the albums are better than AYDY, even though the 1st real cob song I heard was In Your Face

I think he's just too busy getting drunk to notice he's killing the COB spirit (less keyboard and shorter solos) and to do something about it

but who cares... I'll always love COB, maybe they won't be my favorite band forever but I could never hate them... even when Alexi becomes so old he can't even play anymore.

but that guy needs to stop drinking and smoking, hes gonna end up with cancer at 35 ...
@jmbullet you just have to get used to that...they are Jaska drinks even more i think...
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