Alexi's Skill Decreasing?

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Enemy242 said:
why does everyone say it was so terrible that dimebag died but no one ever mentions Chuck from Death anymore? not dissing dimebag or pantera saying they're bad but Death > Pantera.

Chuck isn't forgotten, its just that pantera was a more popular band.

+2 THANK YOU!!! I am a fan of both bands, and I always thought that Chuck Schuldiner was better of a guitarist and he already beat Dimebag because he did vocals as well. Dimebag was alright, but after Pantera disbanded I lost interest. I think it's the nature of their deaths that cause people to pay more attention to Dimebag. Chuck died of a brain tumor, Dimebag was shot onstage. Which one is more sad?

getting shot on stage is just fucking crazy.. i mean lots of people die from cancer.. but to get fucking shot on stage??? Nothing like that has ever happened.
Enemy242 said:
why does everyone say it was so terrible that dimebag died but no one ever mentions Chuck from Death anymore? not dissing dimebag or pantera saying they're bad but Death > Pantera.
Hey! I am a big fan of Death as well. But Dimebag influenced a lot more people than Chuck. Since Pantera and Damageplan were more popular than Death, a lot more people were sad when Dimebag died.
jmbullet said:
I know.... but I still think its kinda stupid because u are killing urself doing that... im not saying dont smoke and drink.... just dont do it too much.....

Blech...smoking is disgusting. I'm infinitely turned off by girls that smoke. :Puke:
Concidering how much they tour these days, I guess he just doesn't have the time for practicing.
Roar said:
Concidering how much they tour these days, I guess he just doesn't have the time for practicing.

Okay, one hour show a day, what he do with his free time? He CAN practice, he just doesnt do it even if he need it.
-[chop]- said:
Why not? its fun as hell....

yes its fun, and I do it once in a while.... but not all the time because

1. I don't want to become alchoolic
2. hangovers are no fun
3. I do very stupid things when I am drunk, and I don't wanna end up pregnant with an idiots baby or get any std...
_DJ_british_motard_ said:
Okay, one hour show a day, what he do with his free time? He CAN practice, he just doesnt do it even if he need it.

You forgot to mention the long busdrives, soundcheck, all the shit before and after a show, drinking, waking up with a bad hangover. I think they've got more then enough to do when they're out touring. But I might be mistaken. It's just when I was touring I never had the chance to sit down and actually practice like I do at home.
Authentic Metalhead said:
IMO, cigarettes are pathetic. What's so cool about sucking on a tiny tube full of processed tobacco? The only smoking devices I find cool are pipes. It takes effort to smoke those, man.

I don't think so, either. I think smoking pot is okay, but cigarettes are pretty gross.
jmbullet said:
yes its fun, and I do it once in a while.... but not all the time because

1. I don't want to become alchoolic
2. hangovers are no fun
3. I do very stupid things when I am drunk, and I don't wanna end up pregnant with an idiots baby or get any std...

Ops sry i forgot you are 15 ^^
^ every kid who is 15 and drink do smt stupied when they are drunk....
and i know hangovers are no fun but wtf just suck it up and drink mutch water
you wont become an alcoholic if you just drink one or 2 weekends in a row
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