Aliens Exist?

It would actually be stupid to think we are the only forms of life in the universe...I"m not sayiong aliens have made contact with our planet but its pretty obvious there are other living beings somewhere out there.
The likelihood of some other form of life out there is very high. Whether it's an evolved form of life like us or just simple cells, it's out there. Probably more than just one other planet either. Our planet is a VERY unique combination of things that allows life to survive here. Not only survive, but continue to evolve. Who's to say there hasn't been another planet like ours that spawned life, and then had some kind of catastrophic event that wiped it out. I believe that there's life out there, guaranteed, I don't however thing we'll ever find any evidence of it or make contact with another lifeform.
First off:

*Yawn* The guy is a crackpot. He founded an instituteto study psychic abilities, believe he was healed of cancer by a remote dream healer and a bunch of other silly BS. Just look at his wikipedia if you're too lazy to do more thorough research. Of course he believes in ufos as an all round paranormal mind-so-open-his-brain's-fallen-out guy..



I no longer have faith that the majority of people have any sense, logic, or intellect...

I find it quite amazing that when people ask whether or not aliens exist they look up, ponder at the enormous expanse and declare that with so much room up there surely aliens exist somewhere. Yet when a religious person looks at the complexity around them and the enormous expanse of the heavens and declare there to be a creator God they are ridiculed. Scientists have spent trillions of tax payers dollars trying to prove life exists in outer space. Every little rock with traces of rock that could have contained water are heralded as proof of life existing in space. Yet when scientist claim to believe in the Bible and its truths they are cast out (fired etc). It seems in science you are allowed to have faith in your own theories but not God. It isn't the lack of evidence it is the consequences for belief. A belief in aliens doesn't change your life, a belief in the God of the Bible does.

AND 88% voted YES, aliens exist. Shows how easily people can be swayed by how the poll question is worded.
^That second quote is an unsurmountable non-sequitur. When a scientist says he believes there's life somewhere in the universe, he's well backed up by the law of large numbers (a theorem in statistics which states that, if with an albeit small probability, some event occurs, when you take a big enough sample, the event is bound to occur - the probability of its occurrence approaches 1). We know the probability of life existing is not zero (after all, we are here!). So, given quadrillions of galaxies with trillion star systems each, in the observable universe alone, you'd expect life to exist somewhere. This is an informed belief, and has nothing to do with faith. Especially given the fact that the religion boundary has been slowly pushed back away from reality. I don't intend to start a religion debate here, believe whatever you want. The fact is that religion has no place within science and I believe almost every scientist and religious person would agree.

On topic: this guy is nuts.
First off:



I no longer have faith that the majority of people have any sense, logic, or intellect...

AND 88% voted YES, aliens exist. Shows how easily people can be swayed by how the poll question is worded.
Polls are bullshit anyways, Penn and Teller have a great episode on them :lol:
Belief in existence of aliens is directly proportional to the amount of vodka a person takes in before the poll =)
I'm 75% sure aliens DO exist.
Some cases are fake. But. not all are fake..
Like it says in that link that Steve sent, i think they're just trying to cover it up.

But it would be, extremely strange if there was no other life in this universe.
I mean come on! A million planets. One small planet (being earth), overpopulated. (anyone get me???)
I doubt we're the only ones.
It's logical they cover it up. How do you think the world would react if someone came on TV and was like

"Oh hai thar! We've been visited by Aliens for about 60 years and if they were hostile we would be fucking shitspot on a carpet :) We also have lied and covered up stuff! :)"

...thought so. Mass-chaos would occur. I believe they will NEVER EVER tell us the truth if they are not telling it now.
^That second quote is an unsurmountable non-sequitur. When a scientist says he believes there's life somewhere in the universe, he's well backed up by the law of large numbers (a theorem in statistics which states that, if with an albeit small probability, some event occurs, when you take a big enough sample, the event is bound to occur - the probability of its occurrence approaches 1). We know the probability of life existing is not zero (after all, we are here!). So, given quadrillions of galaxies with trillion star systems each, in the observable universe alone, you'd expect life to exist somewhere. This is an informed belief, and has nothing to do with faith. Especially given the fact that the religion boundary has been slowly pushed back away from reality. I don't intend to start a religion debate here, believe whatever you want. The fact is that religion has no place within science and I believe almost every scientist and religious person would agree.

On topic: this guy is nuts.

This is correct.
The fact is that religion has no place within science and I believe almost every scientist and religious person would agree.

Very true.

However, I'm someone who needs hardcore physical proof. I'm not saying that I find their existence impossible because it is possible, I just want more proof and then I'll believe.