All this RC Fest Talk

lurch70 said:
This is why I would like some base figures thrown at me so I know where we are even going ... or if it is even realistic for us.

It's all guess work, but think along these lines for ONE band from Europe:

$5K return flights
3 hotel rooms @ $150 per night for 2 nights = $1K (incl. tax)
Group Visa: $2K flat fee
Band cost: $500 - $1K

Average it out to $10K per band. US bands would obviously cost less.
JayKeeley said:
It's all guess work, but think along these lines for ONE band from Europe:

$5K return flights
3 hotel rooms @ $150 per night for 2 nights = $1K (incl. tax)
Group Visa: $2K flat fee
Band cost: $500 - $1K

Average it out to $10K per band. US bands would obviously cost less.

ok, just based on those #'s I cannot fathom how HC even had the balls to put on a show considering that tickets alone brought in only $20K
but remember that you have PLENTY of good bands in the usa! if you can get TWO great bands from europe that could be enough... and you could try to coordinate if one of those european bands happens to be on a US tour at the moment..
Suffocation plays out a lot here ... I would want something a bit more eclectic personally.
i could see about getting Goat Horn to play if you guys are interested, their singer might remember me (kind of a long shot, maybe). maybe i could even get a ride down with em :loco:

i'd like to contribute to this however possible, 'cause i'd sure as hell be going!
exactly why i made the suggestion i did :lol:

i think they did a van-trip to NYC to play a show in the summer. they draw decent crowds, I think, also

edit: oh, never mind that their music fucking RULES! :kickass:
lurch70 said:
ok, just based on those #'s I cannot fathom how HC even had the balls to put on a show considering that tickets alone brought in only $20K

I guess they didn't sell as many tickets...but more importantly, they didn't charge enough. They should have doubled the price.

I know it's honorable to charge less than, say, OzzFest but you don't have to become a non-profit charity type organization either.

ProgPower tickets are $100 a pop. (And it sells out in week with most people flying to Atlanta in September).

Get the right bands and people WILL pay. But use the ProgPower / Heathen Crusade way of thinking which is to bring bands that haven't toured here, or ever played in the US.

Not Cryptopsy and Suffocation. You have to include a *unique* factor to it all just as PP and HC do.
JayKeeley said:
I guess they didn't sell as many tickets...but more importantly, they didn't charge enough. They should have doubled the price.

I know it's honorable to charge less than, say, OzzFest but you don't have to become a non-profit charity type organization either.

ProgPower tickets are $100 a pop. (And it sells out in week with most people flying to Atlanta in September).

Get the right bands and people WILL pay. But use the ProgPower / Heathen Crusade way of thinking which is to bring bands that haven't toured here, or ever played in the US.

Not Cryptopsy and Suffocation. You have to include a *unique* factor to it all just as PP and HC do.

i agree with everything here ... what numbers does PP draw?
What about an RC regulars discount? Can you hire your own security and all that or do you have to use a company?
Nate The Great said:
Let's do this shit in the middle of one of my pastures in Western Kansas.

No charge, no security, no rules, no place to stay, and my mom could make breakfast the next morning.

hahaha ... not a bad idea actually ... during July on a hot day, that shit would rule.

spoke with a few more people about this ... got some scouts looking for a venue with a large capacity ... even if it is a place that normally does not do rock shows ...

also I remembered that this girl I know from HS, she does promotions all the time for NY area show (usually metal) ... she has been deeply involved in the scene here for over a decade
Nate The Great said:
Let's do this shit in the middle of one of my pastures in Western Kansas.

No charge, no security, no rules, no place to stay, and my mom could make breakfast the next morning.

I'm so there!