All this RC Fest Talk

Nate The Great said:
Let's do this shit in the middle of one of my pastures in Western Kansas.

No charge, no security, no rules, no place to stay, and my mom could make breakfast the next morning.

w00t, now you're talkin'. I'd consider going to an RC Fest in New York but it'd be tough to conjure up that kind of money. If it was in Kansas I'd just drive there and probably even contribute to the funding/planning however possible. I mean, it's no more remote than Minnesota right? Hell, I've got 20 acres of backyard and the most beautiful snow capped mountain background you could possibly want for a pagan metal type festival. Bring the boys here!:grin:
FWIW, Primordial would LOVE to play this as well. Alan & I spent a good deal of time talking about the logistics, costs, etc.

Here are some hard numbers, btw:
- r/t airfare for all band members (example of Dublin -> NYC = $500 each, total $2500)
- hotel, 2 nights, 3 rooms = $250 weekend x 3 = $750 total
- band rider + fees for paying = I'm going to leave this undisclosed in Primordial's case, b/c I'm not sure if it's my place to be posting it in public. I will just say it's affordable. In fact, I think every one of us here would be surprised to find out just HOW affordable most of these bands would be; FYI, to give you an idea, less than 20 of the 80 bands invited to play Wacken are paid. I'm obviously not saying we'd be on par with Wacken, but you'd be surprised at how far "exposure" and the ability to sell some merch & records to a new crowd will go with some bands.
- work VISAs = $300-350 ea. = figure anywhere from $1500-$2000 per band from Europe

it's very doable IMO

We would need 3 Euro bands, maybe 4 at most, then anywhere from 4-6 "local" i.e. North America bands.

I personally think that Noltem, Nasheim/Lethal, etc. are brilliant ideas and would love if all the RC reg'lars could somehow be a part of this.

Anyway, that's just my $.02
good job Mark ... totally different #'s then JK gave before ... almost half in this case. of course this will depend on many factors ...

i wonder how many pretty well known US bands can we get to play for free? or pay them for the gig ... but let them pick up the transportation tab.

I am sure ND at HC was something like this ...
MadeInNewJersey said:
We would have to use whatever security is provided by the venue.

yes, there is no way a venue would tunr over their place to a renter and just go ... "do whatever you want" ...

usually security + in house stage crew is part of the deal with venue rental
lurch70 said:
good job Mark ... totally different #'s then JK gave before ... almost half in this case. of course this will depend on many factors ...

i wonder how many pretty well known US bands can we get to play for free? or pay them for the gig ... but let them pick up the transportation tab.

I am sure ND at HC was something like this ...

Bands that could get to near NYC easily:

Krieg (NJ)
Kataklysm (CANADA)
Cryptopsy (CANADA)
Beyond the Embrace (MA)
Overlorde (NJ)
7 Witches (NJ)
Novembers Doom (IL)
Twisted Tower Dire (NC)
Twilight Odyssey (NY)
Suffocation (NY)
Overkill (NJ)
Virgin Steele (NY)
Sapthuran (OH) (USBM, don't know if they play live)
Sin Origin (OH) (USBM)
*countless bands from FLA, quick & easy flight
*countless bands from CA, easy flight

There are tons of US bands that people forget, every style of metal too
i think we need to take this conversation to emails from this point forward ...
will email you and JK ... Nate showed some great interest and enthusiasm of being involved, so will include him as well for now.
I believe Erik wanted to be included.

Use my gmail email (same as the "group" you know). Also, as long as Nate knows this ain't gonna be in Kansas. :lol:

Try pricing a flight from fucking anywhere in Europe to Kansas City or Topeka or Wichita. [/nothappening]
MadeInNewJersey said:
Bands that could get to near NYC easily:

Krieg (NJ)
Kataklysm (CANADA)
Cryptopsy (CANADA)
Beyond the Embrace (MA)
Overlorde (NJ)
7 Witches (NJ)
Novembers Doom (IL)
Twisted Tower Dire (NC)
Twilight Odyssey (NY)
Suffocation (NY)
Overkill (NJ)
Virgin Steele (NY)
Sapthuran (OH) (USBM, don't know if they play live)
Sin Origin (OH) (USBM)
*countless bands from FLA, quick & easy flight
*countless bands from CA, easy flight

There are tons of US bands that people forget, every style of metal too

You fag! You forgot Watchmaker and Today is the Day.


I'd rather slather peanut butter on my nuts and let a pack of rabid rats have their way than listen to Virgin Steele.
I'd rather slather peanut butter on my nuts and let a pack of rabid rats have their way than listen to Virgin Steele.

:lol: ... before you do that pm me your email addy ...

I know one thing now ... no big fucking bands ... i don't give a shit ... no fucking suffocation, no overkill, no nostalgia stuff ... just ones big enough for the underground to recognize ...we can still draw!
Nate The Great said:
You fag! You forgot Watchmaker and Today is the Day.


I'd rather slather peanut butter on my nuts and let a pack of rabid rats have their way than listen to Virgin Steele.

Oh trust me, I didn't forget them ;)

P.S. Virgin Steele is one of Nemtheanga's fave bands (just to fulfill my must-mention-him-in-every-single-post-for-24-hours quota) :lol:
lurch70 said:
I know one thing now ... no big fucking bands ... i don't give a shit ... no fucking suffocation, no overkill, no nostalgia stuff ... just ones big enough for the underground to recognize ...we can still draw!


What's the point otherwise? I mean, there was a Sodom / Finntroll show the other week and I wasn't even excited about that. It's GOT to be bands that would never otherwise play here.

Negura Bunget is a great example, as is Vreid and Ensiferum (all support acts obviously).

Fucking hell, Vreid would tear the fucking house down.
Not to buzzkill the Negura talk, but according to Nemtheanga, we have approximately a 1 in 14 billion chance of getting NB into the USA. Put it this way, they were denied VISA into Ireland. That ought to tell you all you need to know.
JayKeeley said:
Fuckin' hell.....everyone's getting into it now :lol: Look, the way I see it, whoever's putting in $ get's a say. So that counts me out. :loco:

pff ... if that would be the case we would have a prog power deux on our hands, my friend is into crap like that ... no offense to the power metal listeners here :loco:

NB ... fuck don't they have like 6 people in the band now? that's alot of people to be flown over ... OR ... I can make them play an all classic set as a 3 piece ... mo money mo money mo money :loco:

also ... you HC guys ... do bands bring crew / sound guys over? Equipment? I am talking about the Euro guys? ... or the band shows up with instruments and that's it? Drums???
JayKeeley said:
Wonder why? Do they have criminal records?

I doubt it ... but I know one thing, Romanians in general have a bad name around Europe ... like ...we show up somewhere and don't go home :loco:

it might be tough ... but the US has some newly patched up relations with Romania ... so you never know ... it is really up to the country letting them in.