All time classic alums that you feel are somewhat overlooked

Pagan Savior

Mar 21, 2015
I figured we could use this thread to talk about albums that we love that we don't feel get the recognition that they deserve.

I will start of with Rotting Christ's 'Thy Mighty Contract', which just missed the Board's top 20 Black Metal albums in January.


I love this album: it's a masterpiece of black metal atmosphere, featuring varied riffs, cool tempo changes and just interesting musical choices in general. Some songs really have a cool gothic vibe too, check out the Exiled Archangels as a track to really showcase this.


All in all, it makes for a fantastic album and a really satisfying listen. Definitely in my all-time top ten, and if you've never checked it out I hope that you rectify that soon!
Love Rotting Christ, but I do kinda agree that they are often overlooked. There are a lot of doom metal bands that are overlooked, among them being Scald and Revelation. Just incredible music.
I've actually never heard Armored Saint, but based on MA's "Similar Artists" tab (Metal Church, Omen, Riot, Jag Panzer, Helstar) this would be right up my alley. I'll keep em on my list there bro, even though you have inferior taste.
tbh Armored Saint doesn't sound much like those. They're a lot more traditional in a sort of rock-ish way. Earliest material wouldn't be out of place with the heaviest GnR songs, let alone a WASP or something (but they aren't raunchy liek WASP). They're good, but just a little plain or something.
Nah, Symbol of Salvation is their best and March of the Saint is the most boring of their first five.
Love Rotting Christ, but I do kinda agree that they are often overlooked. There are a lot of doom metal bands that are overlooked, among them being Scald and Revelation. Just incredible music.

Cool, never listened to either. What would be a good place to start with each of them?
Definitely not all time classics, but there are loads of records that I feel are overlooked...for starters...

G/Z/R - Plastic Planet
Stabbing Westward - Whither, Blister, Burn and Peel
KMFDM - Money and Angst (both great)
For black metal, I would say:

Velvet Cacoon- Genevieve
Nargaroth- Herbstleyd
Nagelfar- Strontgorrth
Gontyna Kry- Welowie
Ohtar- When I Cut the Throat

Those are all in my top 30 black metal albums and are records I don't hear referenced nearly enough.

I also find that I find fewer people mention Mutiilation's first two albums these days, but they are both most definitely top echelon black metal.
i adore WELOWIE. velvet cacoon burned bridges with the BM community so if they've fallen out of favour it's their fault - i found them a bit flavour-of-the-monthy anyway at the time but not as shit as some would have it. SRONTGORRTH is pretty good but i recall preferring the debut, i liked ohtar about 10 years ago, don't think i ever bothered with that nargaroth - only BMIK.

and yeah, it's weird how much LLN seem to have fallen of the map these days in general, i guess the french 'new wave' doomed them to obscurity. early mutiilation was probs the best stuff from that scene, anyhow. 'magical shadows of a tragic past' is an all time iconic BM song.

a few not so appreciated BM favourites of mine that i've heard recently enough to verify their quality:
moonblood - BLUT UND KRIEG (not so much underheard as underrated)
wolfnacht - HEIDENTUM
the shadow order - RAISE THE BANNERS
helheim - NIDR OK NORDR...
sacrilegium - WICHER
sorhin - I DET GLIMRANDE...
infernum - FAREWELL
order of the ebon hand - THE MYSTIC PATH TO THE NETHERWORLD