All you need to know about Finnish language...

Chokehold said:
WTF? I didn't understand, what you said...

Welcome to the board, Midnightblueshade!
c ya!:rock:
- Chokehold

Thank you! :)

Well then, learn Finnish, that's what this thread is for ;) I tried to say:

I'm German and I have a book .... I have only read few pages.

Hope my Finnish was good enough, otherwise, Torgoth will be just as puzzled as you :grin:

NP: Die Apocalyptischen Reiter - Terra Nola
Kiitos! :)


Kirja = one book, kirjoja = many books, which one you mean?

I didn't get this. "I have read first some pages"? (Sivuja = pages.) What did you mean?[/QUOTE]

I meant one book... minulla on kirja..... Ei, minulla on kirjoja, because to be precise I have copied another book about Finnish grammar.

I meant the pages of the book, I've only read a few of them yet.... Olen lukenut vain vähän sivuja - better? Guess I translated to literal from German:

(zu) erst = at first
erst = only...yet

And where the heck do you put the word only/vain/whatever in the sentence?

NP: Reiter - Das Paradies

Minä kulen nyt Reiterin laulaa "Das Paradies"
Mitä kulet?

Tuo saksalainen lause/tumio/virke allekirjoitussa on tuosta laulasta. (I'm trying to talk about that German sentence in my signature, but I wonder if that online dictonary is thinking of punishing someone :lol:

Anyway, it takes me so long to make up Finnish sentence, the songs over by now :grin:

NP: Reiter - Wo die Geister ganz still sterben
Torgoth said:
What kind of music that is?
/subjective opinion/ !
SHIT! I just heard it today arrgrhhh !
/subjective opinion ende/

Btw, what does Larharyhmä means? :)
WOW! Sorry, I think, I won't speak in Finnish :(
This is more difficult language then Hungarian:D

Good Night All!
I'm going to go to have a shower and go to bed! :zzz:
Midnightblueshade said:
I meant the pages of the book, I've only read a few of them yet.... Olen lukenut vain vähän sivuja - better?
Better. The best would maybe be "Olen lukenut vain vähän matkaa"/"Olen lukenut vain muutaman sivun".:)
And where the heck do you put the word only/vain/whatever in the sentence?
In Finnish you it isn't so exact where you put word. Example: "I read couple books yesterday." "Luin pari kirjaa eilen." "Eilen luin pari kirjaa." "Pari kirjaa luin eilen."
Minä kulen nyt Reiterin laulaa "Das Paradies"
Mitä kulet?
"Kuulen" = "I hear". "Mitä kuulet" = "What you hear?". "Reiterin laulavan."
Tuo saksalainen lause/tumio/virke allekirjoitussa on tuosta laulasta. (I'm trying to talk about that German sentence in my signature, but I wonder if that online dictonary is thinking of punishing someone :lol:
Laulusta.;) "Lause" and "virke" are proper words in that sentence. And "tuomio", it's used in situtations like: "He got five years sentence (in prison)". You get that?

Where I could get samples of "Die Apocalyptischen Reiter"?

NP: Tenhi - Lauluni sinulle
Torgoth said:
What kind of music that is?

On saksalainen metallia.... to be honest, my knowledge about subgenres of metal is just about as small as my knowledge of Finnish.

Ninä kyselen.... Abby on lähettänut (=send) minulle tuo laula..... Abby myös ei taita (=know).

:confused: The songs are very varied and its hard to categorize... guess I gotto send you a song so you can find out yourself ;)

NP: Dornenreich - Eigenwach
Midnightblueshade said:
On saksalainen metallia....
Saksalaista metallia.
Ninä kyselen....
"I ask?"? "Minä kyselen?"
Abby on lähettänut (=send) minulle tuo laula..... Abby myös ei taita (=know).
Not "laula", "laulu". "tietää = know".
Who is Abby?
:confused: The songs are very varied and its hard to categorize... guess I gotto send you a song so you can find out yourself ;) Send me link if there is any place I can find samples.
Chokehold said:
WOW! Sorry, I think, I won't speak in Finnish :(
This is more difficult language then Hungarian:D

I don't which one is more difficult... but I read Finnish and Hungarian are related to each other, so it should be easy for a Finn or Hungarian to learn the other language. Well, maybe not easy, but easier than for me to learn one of those languages.
Paljon kiitos! :) So it's laulu, but laulavan?

Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulavan = I've only heard a few songs? No, should be plural here: Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulut - correct? Which isn't true by the way: Minä kuulen ainapa musikkia! :rock:

Torgoth said:
Who is Abby?
Sinä et tietä Abby. Hän on tytönä GiMiX-issä, ja GiMiX on saksalainen internet community, mikä on minun koti internet-issä :)
Correkt to use essive in that sentence? I guess Finns call the www internet, just as we Germans do ;)
I meant to say: I'll ask someone(Abby). How d'ya say that in English?

Where I could get samples of "Die Apocalyptischen Reiter"?

Tämä on Reiterin sivu:
Voit siirtää lauluja tästä:

NP: Tenhi - Lauluni sinulle

Aikooko tämä "My Song to you" englanninkielinä?
Midnightblueshade said:
So it's laulu, but laulavan?
"Laulavan" is used like: "Olen kuullut hänen laulavan" = "I have heard her singing".
Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulavan = I've only heard a few songs? No, should be plural here: Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulut - correct? Which isn't true by the way: Minä kuulen ainapa musikkia! :rock:
Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulun.
I meant to say: I'll ask someone(Abby). How d'ya say that in English?
Kysyn joltakin (Abbylta).
Tämä on Reiterin sivu:
Voit siirtää lauluja tästä:
Kiitos. I'll check that.
Aikooko tämä "My Song to you" englanninkielinä?
"Onko tämä ... englanniksi/englanninkielellä?". But answer is yes.:) "Aikooko" means "intend to?" as question.

(I was quite a lot drunk yesterday, I had to check what I had wrote here, heh)
Your vocabulary is veeery large. /forum/images/smilies/wink.gif

I love you - Minä rakastan sinua
Fucking idiot- vitun idiootti
Stupid- tyhmä

And how would we translate Gay and lying? /forum/images/smilies/tongue.gif Homo ja valehteleva? Sounds really stupid. /forum/images/smilies/supergrin.gif