All you need to know about Finnish language...

Midnightblueshade said:
Mitä bändit arvostat parempi? Mitä ovat sinun lempibändit?
I have listed them in couple threads here already, but to mention some of them:
Autumn Tears, Dargaard, Dark Sanctuary, Die verbannten Kinder Eva’s, Dominion III, Enid, Mortiis, Summoning...
Mostly dark wave. Couple songs of Dargaard and Dominion III you can get here:
Kuinka sanotte "Thank you for writing" suomeksi?
"Kiitos, että kirjoitit." Would be close.
Midnightblueshade said:
En voi mennä and I don't want to register with some stupid passport just to look at a www page! :bah:
What? I don't have to register to Dargaard's site. What do you mean?

@The_Children_of_Decadence: Thank you = kiitos
Minä nyt kuulun Dominionin..... arvostan tapa kuinka laulaa mutta en arvosta musiikkia. Se on liiaksi elektroninen. Minä olen allerginen elektronista musiikkia ;)
Voit ymmärtää minut vai liiaksi virheet? :D Halutan sanoa: I like the way he sings, but I don't like the music. Kuinka te sanotte hyväksi suomeksi?
Arghs! My computer just crashed and now I see it also ate half my posting :mad:
I said before, the page didn't ask me for a registered login tonight, although it asked me last week :confused:

I meant to ask: "How do you say that in good/correct Finnish?" Would you please repeat my mistake-ridden sentences in correct Finnish?

Löysin vain Dominionin sivussa... etsin taas (I'll look again)
Midnightblueshade said:
Minä nyt kuulun Dominionin.....
Minä nyt kuulin Dominion:a...
arvostan tapa kuinka laulaa mutta en arvosta musiikkia. Se on liiaksi elektroninen. Minä olen allerginen elektronista musiikkia ;)
Arvostan laulutapaa, mutta en arvosta musiikkia. Se on liian elektronista. Minä olen allerginen elektroniselle musiikille.
Your sentences were fine.
Torgoth said:
"Kuulun" = I belong (to something/someone)
edit: and "kuulla" = hear

Kiitos. Mitä tarkoittaa "I hear" vai "I listen to"?

Oh, and could you please check the following sentences that I wrote to a German who told me he lives in a town with many Finns?

Missä asut? Millä saksalaisella kaupungilla on paljon suomalaiset? Onko Febbraio italian kieli?

NP : Children of Bodom - Everytime I Die
Midnightblueshade said:
Mitä tarkoittaa "I hear" vai "I listen to"?
Minä kuulen = I hear (Like: "I hear voices in my head")
Minä kuuntelen = I listen to (Like: "I listen mostly metal")
I hope I get this right, I'm drunk again.
Missä asut? Millä saksalaisella kaupungilla on paljon suomalaiset? Onko Febbraio italian kieli?
Missä asut? Missä saksalaisessa kaupungissa on paljon suomalaisia? Onko Febbraio italian kieltä?
child_of_bodom666 said:
this is thread about how to learn please translate these sentences, dudes:D
Do you really want to know what those sentences mean or did you just ask 'cause didn't had anything else to do? I can translate them if you really insist, but 'cause I just corrected Midnightblueshade spelling in those I don't thing it's worth of translating them to anyone else.