All you need to know about Finnish language...

stoned&drunk said:
"a palo seko" doesnt mean anything. Its like "a fire crazy"... End of HCDR, its just drinking sounds, and at one point they say: "3 voice harmony" or something like that...

"A palo seko" is actually a spanish punk band. "A palo seko" should be written "a palo seco" (but it's kinda "kool and punk" to write it with "k") and it means.... well... if you drink vodka,whisky, etc with no mixing with other cola/orange/ whatever shits... then you drink that alcohol "a palo seko". (I hope someone got what I meant at all :loco: )
portuguese is hard for an english speaker to learn? because i found spanish easy and portuguese is quite similar, right? i can often read portuguese and understand the meaning, not used to the sounds though. its so much more beautiful than spanish.

edit whooa whoa whoa now, vittu means cunt and voi vittu means damn? whats the literal translation of voi vittu? lol
Translating finnish insults is actually quite difficult, 'cause in our language one word might have several meanings. For example, voi vittu could be translated many ways, holy fuck and damn are just a few ways to interpret these words, the meaning mostly comes with the situation in which you use them.
HAHAHAHA thats the best site ever! Äitisi nai poroja = Your mother copulates with reindeers! omg i died when i read that one...i wish i could pronounce these things right

Olen takaisin :)
Tänä viikkona suomeen kielen kurssi on alkanut yliopistossa. Olen odottanut kurssia kaikkina kesänä :hotjump:
Olen lukenut oppikirjani maaliskuulta ja siihen asti en (what's the past of this word?) oppi jokin uusi... vain "meille vai teille?" mutta ei opettajalta :grin:
Muu opiskelija on kysynyt minulta jos minä olen oppinut kaikassa aikassa, koska puhun suomea hyvin - en, vain kun olen ajanut junassa. Mutta olen ajanut junassa usein tänä kesänä ;) Wacken:iin, muutiin festival:iin, tavata ystäviä... Joku oli Wacken:iin? Muutiin festival:iin?

Nääkemin, Midnightblueshade