All you need to know about Finnish language...

Midnightblueshade said:
Se on kallis, ajaa aina junalla?
On kallista, 55 € sivu, 110 € per reissu.
55 € one way ticket, 110 € per trip.
Kortteja sanaoppilatikolle. Kirjoittaa saksaksi sanan kortin etupuolissa ja suomeksi sanan kortin muussa puolissa.
Nyt ymmärrän, en ole koskaan käyttänyt tuota tapaa, helpottaako se oppimista?
It's a pity (<--mikä sanaa suomeksi?), sinulla ei ole paljon aikaa. Täydyn puhua sorsahyökkäyksen kanssa ;) Täydätkö mennä töihin aina iltapäivässä? Mikä sinä ammatiltasi?
Pity = sääli. Joka toinen viikko minulla on iltavuoro -> 14.30 - 23.00 ja joka toinen viikko aamuvuoro -> 06.00 - 14.30. Ammatiltani olen elektroniikka-asentaja, mutta olen töissä huonekalutehtaalla pakkaajana ja vihaan työtäni.
Seems like the Bodom murders aren't too wellknown after all. (Hän on suomalainen!)
I think they are wellknown, but just yesterday we talk something about those murders (and other wellknown murders) with my friend at work and he thought that Bodom lake is in northern Finland.

Kohta on taas lähdettävä töihin, perjantai ilta menee hukkaan, kun joutuu tekemään töitä eikä ehdi juopottelemaan.:)
^hangover. Or did you want somebody from Finland to answer it? :grin:

I've got two questions:

1. All those abbreviations (mä oon for minä olen, mun for minun, ...) can anyone tell me the most important ones?

2. I was told therer are a lot of Finnish words that don't really mean anything that you say when you don't know what to say, on the phone for example. Can you tell me some of those?


Midnightblueshade: Cool page you've got! I'm sure I'll find some good links for you to add. And no, you're not the only language maniac. :)
Moi! ah, it's so great to hear that I'm not the only (sick) person who adores , admires, is in love with Finland. I just love this country and everything which is related with it. I bought a book to learn finnish about 1 year ago but i still can't speak anything *cause it's soooo difficult! by the way, I've heard that it'S the second diffcultest language in the world?! But anyway, one day i'll move to finland, so one person more you have to live with, poor fins! :-)))))
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Oh oh, se on kallis... toivon että huonekalutehtaalla pakkajan palkka on hyvä. Whatever that may be. En voi loytää sanasivussa. Did I get you right, you have some packing job now, but you learned to be something in electronics? Job names are hard to translate, ammatijen nimet ei voi tarkoittaa hyvin. I started learning "communication electronics" (computers and other systems using electronic signals for transferring data), mutta lopuin se takia sairaus.

Kyllä, tuo tapa helpottaa opimista. Tähän mennessä minä olen ollut lian laiska oppimaan sanoja :grin: mutta opin luonnonteiden for the Abitur, saksalainen koulun lopussa tutkinto.

I guess minun suomalainen opettajani olen asunut Saksassa lian kauan, koska hän ei tiedä Bodomin murhat :grin:

Torgoth said:
Kohta on taas lähdettävä töihin, perjantai ilta menee hukkaan, kun joutuu tekemään töitä eikä ehdi juopottelemaan.:)

En ymärrän kaikki...
lähdetävä? .... At once it's again leave(?) for work = time to leave for work now?
Friday evening comes into a hurry = ... comes very soon? ... is getting late?
when one falls into doing work and not(?) ehdi(?) into boozing? :confused:

Viime viikko olen ollut kovin väsynät, tunnen minä voisin nukkua talviunia :yawn: Lian väsynyt tulemaan UM:iin.
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Maili Björklund said:
Midnightblueshade: Cool page you've got! I'm sure I'll find some good links for you to add. And no, you're not the only language maniac. :)

Great, I'm not alone *freu* :hotjump: I guess I ought to add my e-mail-adress to the page, or do you chance to have an account with GMX/GiMiX? ;)

Missery said:
Moi! ah, it's so great to hear that I'm not the only (sick) person who adores , admires, is in love with Finland. I just love this country and everything which is related with it. I bought a book to learn finnish about 1 year ago but i still can't speak anything *cause it's soooo difficult! by the way, I've heard that it'S the second diffcultest language in the world?! But anyway, one day i'll move to finland, so one person more you have to live with, poor fins! :-)))))

Seems like Finnish is pretty popular with Germans ;) I'm not as great a Finnland fan as you, haven't even been there yet. It's just that my general love of languages has concentrated on Finnish for about a year now. I've been learning on my own for about half a year now, so the Finnish class that started this Semester turned out to be rather boring. Minä opin aina junassa. Ich lerne immer im Zug - and I go by train very often, so I'm getting slowly but steadily better :)

I don't think Finnish is as difficult as it is said to be. At first I read a book about Finnish grammar (that made me wanna learn Finnish), because I wanted to find out what those 15 cases are all about. I find the grammar very clear, well-structured and regular. (I just miss my beloved Ablativus instrumenti from Latin :grin: ) But then I might be "the only (sick) person who adores , admires, is in love with" grammar ;) Just the consonant gradation bugs me :goggly:
To me it seems, Finnish is more regular than German and therefore easier to learn for foreign speakers. But I'm still waiting for duckattack's opinion on that matter ;)
Midnightblueshade, the grammar is MY big problem! I love languages, but i have so many problems with the grammar! for me finnish is really hard because i'm not as talented as you may be! :-)))
@Missery Try this link: The best online explanation of Finnish grammar I found :)
Thank you for the compliment :blush::) (calling me talented)

@Maili Latin was one of my best subjects, too. Seems like learning Latin doesn't only help with romance languages but with languages in general - doesn't even need to be an Indo-European language ;)

So how much Finnish do the two of you know? Would you like to try talking Finnish with each other? Haluatteko puhua suomea?
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I tried to PM you, but it says: "Maili Björklund has exceded their stored private messages quota and can not accept further messages until they clear some space." :err: I sent a mail to you...

Kirjoita lauset, jotka tiedät :) That would be kinda weird: Me olemme saksalainen ja puhumme suomea... me puhumme nyt englanninkielia ... same as weird :grin:

EDIT: typo
Midnightblueshade said:
Oh oh, se on kallis... toivon että huonekalutehtaalla pakkajan palkka on hyvä. Whatever that may be.
Palkka on paska, 7,28 e/h + when working 14.30-23.00 0,77 e/h. Furniturefactory. InCap Furniture, makes furnitures for Ikea, if that says anything to you.
Did I get you right, you have some packing job now, but you learned to be something in electronics?
Yep, I spent 3 years to come "electronicfitter", or what the hell that would be in English, and then studied 1,5 years to come engineer but bored and quit school. And now I have to be in that shitty job. Maybe I should have keep studing but I lost interest to that.
Job names are hard to translate, ammatijen nimet ei voi tarkoittaa hyvin.
Job names are hard to translate, ammattien nimiä ei voi kääntää hyvin/ammattien nimet on vaikea kääntää.
En ymärrän kaikki...
lähdetävä? .... At once it's again leave(?) for work = time to leave for work now?
Time to leave for work now.
Friday evening comes into a hurry = ... comes very soon? ... is getting late?
when one falls into doing work and not(?) ehdi(?) into boozing? :confused:
Friday evening is wasted when don't have time to drink. Well, it didn't after all. I get myself so fucking drunk, that I was in drunk next day 14.00, and started to drink again before hangover came. Then Sunday was hell, tomach pains were horrible. Tomach wasn't in condition until Thursday.

Tyttöystäväni tuli viime tiistaina ja oli luonani sunnuntai iltaan asti. Olimme metsämökillä(forestcottage) saunomassa ja pitämässä hauskaa perjantai illasta sunnuntai iltapäivään. Hän lähti juuri isäni ja serkkuni kyydissä takaisin Hellsinkiin. Isäni ja serkkuni kulkevat siellä töissä joka viikko, tekevät töitä maanantaista torstaihin.

Nyt täytyy varmaan lähteä nukkumaan, olen todella väsynyt. Hyvää yötä.
ähem, i guess i'm the less-talented person and can speak the least finnish of all persons who are included in this topic.... but i'll learn it, promised! and some day i'll be able to speak it too.. perhaps.. hopefully... argh! :-)
Sorry if this has been answered but what does "Menkaa Pois" mean? i see it on Bodom sleeves and shit it has the dots of the A too. Don't laugh at me either cause its probably just like Fuck You or something.
Hän on tavallinen suomalainen poika.

Tämä on hyvin kartta. Tämä tässä on Unkari ja tuo tuossa on Suomi. Minkälainen Suomi on? Se on suuri ja vanha maa. Mikä Helsinki on? Se on pääkaupunki.

Heh, just a few sentences that came to my mind from my finnish lessons =P