All you need to know about Finnish language...

christcrusher said:
VITTU: my favorite finnish word! You would think I would have picked up more than like 5 words while I lived there for 2-3 months...Fuck, I was too busy getting wasted!
When and why you lived here? And what are those three other words you picked up? :)
do you guys speak english in finland? just wondering because you all seem to know english very well. i dont really know anything about finland, except they have hot guys, haha. or do they teach you english when you are young? in america, we are just taught english, nothing else...well intil we are about 14, then you can take a language class in school...but we never really get as fluent as other countries are because you learn so young it seems. well just wondering:)
Haven't been here for too long... all the layout has changed... and where are the other smileys? I can't click on the smileys, I always have to copy the code of off the other page - where has it gone?

Torgoth said:
Tenhi is great band, but lyrics really are meanless and confusing.:)

@Midnightblueshade: I have new job and I can use I-net only in weekends, but ask if you have something to ask, I'll (or someone else) answer to it when visit here.

Oh, that's a pity for me - and nice for you, I hope your present job is better than the other one! :)

14 years, that's too old to learn a foreign language. I read, children learn languages well until adolescence, so startig at 14 that's starting when it's getting too late ;) 9 is really better... I was 10 or 11 when I started to learn English. And 25 when I started to learn Finnish... My finnish writing is getting better, but I can still hardly speak at all. We went to a christmas party with the Finnish class and there was a virrallinen suomalainen joulupukki. Minä puhuin suomea hänelle... or better, I tried to, all I could say in Finnish was my age *g* But he gave me a present anyway ;)

I just came here so say 1 Finnish sentence: Onnelista uutta vuotta! :)

My home chat will be killed by the end of the year, so I'll be back more often in January...

*grrrr* What is this error warning? Why can't I post?

BTW: That map is really hilarious *g*
Midnightblueshade said:
and where are the other smileys? I can't click on the smileys, I always have to copy the code of off the other page - where has it gone?
Under this: :rock: read's more.
Oh, that's a pity for me - and nice for you, I hope your present job is better than the other one! :)
Quit it already, problems getting paid. Now I'm unemployed again and moved to Hellsinki together with my girlfriend.
We went to a christmas party with the Finnish class and there was a virrallinen suomalainen joulupukki.
Virrallinen ~ with electric.:) You meant virallinen, I think.
I just came here so say 1 Finnish sentence: Onnelista uutta vuotta! :)
Onnellista.:) Mutta samoin.
*grrrr* What is this error warning? Why can't I post?
Mitä? Mikä?
Torgoth said:
We start learning English in third grade, when 9 years old.
Well, not everyone of us, I started learning english in the 8th grade, 'cause I studied russian as my first foreign language :p

So I've been studying english for only 4 years, but after russian, it was just sooo easy to learn english :grin: When I went to college, everyone else had been studying english since the 3rd grade, but I was still the best one in our class :)
No, se nyt vaan oli sellanen ajatus, että kun kaikki muut alottaa englannilla, niin minäpäs valitten jotain muuta :p

Ei vaan, mulla oli joskus lapsena sellanen haave, että musta tulis joko matkaopas tai tulkki ja ajattelin, että tuon vaikeempaa kieltä tuskin löytyy. Se oli itseasiassa hyvä valinta, sillä sit kun tuli aika opetella ruottia ja enkkua, ne oli ihan älyttömän helppoja, molemmista tuli aina pelkkiä kymppejä. :grin:
Torgoth said:
Under this: :rock: read's more.

Oh, nyt näen se. Se on kirjoitanut valkoinen valkoisella, or almost white... really hard to see on my TFT display.

Quit it already, problems getting paid. Now I'm unemployed again and moved to Hellsinki together with my girlfriend.

That's a pity, too, (how d'you say that in Finnish?) mutta ainakin sinä on tyttöystävälläsi :)

Virrallinen ~ with electric.:) You meant virallinen, I think.

:lol: An electric Santa... My mistakes are the funn(i)est part of learning Finnish :grin: Yeah, I meant that word written on your hilarious map... Who made that, and why? (Is it actual place names, or all made-up fun?)

There was some weird mistake when I tried to post, but it worked fine after loggin in again. Maybe I was just out-timed... Did they shorten the timeout, too, when they changed the layout?

Do you happen to know Australian animals? Would you like to help me with my quizz, that I posted in the off topic board? ;)

PS: Weird mistake again... they must have changed the timeout to something like 10 minutes, it used to be an hour, I think.
PPS: Man, I don't know why, but I keep getting weird errors, and they won't let me log in unless I have a new PW mailed to me :heh::mad:
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Midnightblueshade said:
That's a pity, too, (how d'you say that in Finnish?)
Se on sääli.
mutta ainakin sinä on tyttöystävälläsi :)
Yep. Jotakin hyvää.
Who made that, and why? (Is it actual place names, or all made-up fun?)
En tiedä kuka teki sen tai miksi. Paikannimet(place names) ovat suurimmaksi osaksi oikeita tai joistakin tv-sarjoista. Jukujuku-maa (Sweden) ja Puuhamaa (Russia) ovat oikeasti huvipuistoja (amusement park).:)
Did they shorten the timeout, too, when they changed the layout?
En tiedä, I log in automatically.
Do you happen to know Australian animals? Would you like to help me with my quizz, that I posted in the off topic board? ;)
You need Finnish names for them? :) No, sorry can't help, don't even know Finnish name for every of them.
PS: Weird mistake again... they must have changed the timeout to something like 10 minutes, it used to be an hour, I think.
If I remember right, it used to be 15 minutes.
PPS: Man, I don't know why, but I keep getting weird errors, and they won't let me log in unless I have a new PW mailed to me :heh::mad: