All you need to know about Finnish language...

Hi... I'm not feeling very well at the moment, kinda lack the energy & concentration to learn Finnish... Olen lukenut kokon ketjun - tulin paremmiksi (=I became better, correct? :err: ) kuukaudesta kuukauden, now that's something to cheer me up :)

Mitä sanoi Janina sivun ensi tekstissä? I got the first two sentences, first she joked about doing like noone else did, then she said, as a child she wanted to became a traveguide or interpreter and figured the harder language (Russian) would be more sought-after. (But what is "musta" [=black?!] doing in that sentence?) Then it says: It was a good choice...
Mitä on "itseasiassa"? pääasia = main thing, itseasia = self thing?? I figure a translation directly into German would be way easier: pää = Haupt, asia = Sache -> pääasia = Hauptsache. Tarvitsen saksalais-suomalainen sanakirja!
En ymärrä lausen loppu. (BTW: Is there a better way to say "the last sentence"?) "ruottia ja enkkua" = ruotsia ja englanninkieli?

Muu kysymys: Ketjussa Jannen murtumista haarasta/sääristä (Which one means human leg?) joku on kirjoitanut: "Pitikö olla hoppu, nyt se on leikin loppu" the playing is over, mutta mitä alku tarkoittaa?

Torgoth said:
Paikannimet(place names) ovat suurimmaksi osaksi oikeita tai joistakin tv-sarjoista.

Something from tv-series or...?

Torgoth said:
You need Finnish names for them? :) No, sorry can't help, don't even know Finnish name for every of them.

No, I needed the original Australian names, there was only a very slim chance of you knowing them ;) I won with Kitties help :) THX for taking a look. Kyselisin sinulta, jos tarvitsen apua suomalaiselle eläimielle, poro, karhu, susi... btw, olen lukenut Helsingin Sanomaissa(?) there's a bison on the loose in Finland :grin: Interesting Finnish wildlife... Viime viikkona olen lukenut, että oli paljon lunta Helsingissä. Tällä ei ole paljon lunta, it's been snowing a little, but not enough to go skiing or sleigh-riding :Smug:

BTW: PW = password
Midnightblueshade said:
Olen lukenut kokon ketjun - tulin paremmiksi (=I became better, correct? :err: )
Correct, but: koko ketjun - paremmAksi.:)
kuukaudesta kuukauden
Sorry, what do you mean?
(But what is "musta" [=black?!] doing in that sentence?)
"Musta" is short form of "minusta" in this case.
Mitä on "itseasiassa"?
Itse asiassa = actually.
En ymärrä lausen loppu. (BTW: Is there a better way to say "the last sentence"?) "ruottia ja enkkua" = ruotsia ja englanninkieli?
"The last sentence" = "viimeinen lause", "lauseen loppu" = "end of sentence"
Se oli itseasiassa hyvä valinta, sillä sit kun tuli aika opetella ruottia ja enkkua, ne oli ihan älyttömän helppoja, molemmista tuli aina pelkkiä kymppejä.
It was actually good choice, when was time to study Swedish and English, those were really easy, got always best marks.
Muu kysymys: Ketjussa Jannen murtumista haarasta/sääristä (Which one means human leg?)

Sääri. Have you used this: I use it when not sure how to spell some words.
joku on kirjoitanut: "Pitikö olla hoppu, nyt se on leikin loppu" the playing is over, mutta mitä alku tarkoittaa?
Did you had to hurry. It's from one stupid tv-program Hugo.
Something from tv-series or...?
btw, olen lukenut Helsingin Sanomaissa(?) there's a bison on the loose in Finland :grin: Interesting Finnish wildlife...
I haven't heard that.

I go back to sleep, I woke up 03.00 AM for no reason, it's now 5.00 AM. :zzz:
Midnightblueshade said:
there's a bison on the loose in Finland :grin
Heh, soon there will be a FUCKIN' OUTDOOR LIGHTING MANIAC loose!!!!!!!!! And I mean: COMPLETELY FUKKIN' L-O-O-S-E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I wish...
well dutch

my language's are
dutch(ofcourse mjah je moet toch wat heh)
english(my writing is bad but i can speak it pretty good)
german...a little
french...almost nothing... :P
and im starting a japanese course next month...cant wait..cause japanese is the fucking ultimate langauge there is


what do you guys think of the band X japan BTW? :P
well, finnish is a really cool language, but i don´t think that i will ever learn it. it´s very hard to learn for me :( i´ve got some books about it at home, dictionary and so on. i´ve tried to learn it a few times but always broke it up...