Hi... I'm not feeling very well at the moment, kinda lack the energy & concentration to learn Finnish... Olen lukenut kokon ketjun - tulin paremmiksi (=I became better, correct?
) kuukaudesta kuukauden, now that's something to cheer me up
Mitä sanoi Janina sivun ensi tekstissä? I got the first two sentences, first she joked about doing like noone else did, then she said, as a child she wanted to became a traveguide or interpreter and figured the harder language (Russian) would be more sought-after. (But what is "musta" [=black?!] doing in that sentence?) Then it says: It was a good choice...
Mitä on "itseasiassa"? pääasia = main thing, itseasia = self thing?? I figure a translation directly into German would be way easier: pää = Haupt, asia = Sache -> pääasia = Hauptsache. Tarvitsen saksalais-suomalainen sanakirja!
En ymärrä lausen loppu.
(BTW: Is there a better way to say "the last sentence"?) "ruottia ja enkkua" = ruotsia ja englanninkieli?
Muu kysymys: Ketjussa Jannen murtumista haarasta/sääristä
(Which one means human leg?) joku on kirjoitanut: "Pitikö olla hoppu, nyt se on leikin loppu" ...now the playing is over, mutta mitä alku tarkoittaa?
Torgoth said:
Paikannimet(place names) ovat suurimmaksi osaksi oikeita tai joistakin tv-sarjoista.
Something from tv-series or...?
Torgoth said:
You need Finnish names for them?
No, sorry can't help, don't even know Finnish name for every of them.
No, I needed the original Australian names, there was only a very slim chance of you knowing them
I won with Kitties help
THX for taking a look. Kyselisin sinulta, jos tarvitsen apua suomalaiselle eläimielle, poro, karhu, susi... btw, olen lukenut Helsingin Sanomaissa(?) there's a bison on the loose in Finland
Interesting Finnish wildlife... Viime viikkona olen lukenut, että oli paljon lunta Helsingissä. Tällä ei ole paljon lunta, it's been snowing a little, but not enough to go skiing or sleigh-riding :Smug:
BTW: PW = password