All you need to know about Finnish language...

The_Children_of_Decadence said:
how do you say Taylor in Finnish?

i cant imagine the name being any different other than pronunciation.

as for languages, i can only speak english...i suck at life, yes i know. give me a break im american i was raised to be ignorant. one of my friends can speak about 12 languages though (more than just "enough to get by") including welsh, sweedish, german, danish, old english (thats right,) gaelic, and russian. hes nuts man, absolutely nuts.
Hi Torgoth... in some other threads I read about your SS collection including an SS tattoo, and then that display of racious contempt in the joke thread - seems like you're pretty much Faschist or Nazi minded, hm? :err: (Why, what does it mean to you?)
I don't feel comfortable talking to you about petty little things all the while knowing I'm a potential victim if people of your mindset ever came to power in Europe :(

kuukaudesta kuukauden = from month to month, I meant to say

Yeah, I've seen that page before and been using it all year long. But "sääri = leg, paw" kinda sounded like talking about dogs.
COBabe said:
well, finnish is a really cool language, but i don´t think that i will ever learn it. it´s very hard to learn for me :( i´ve got some books about it at home, dictionary and so on. i´ve tried to learn it a few times but always broke it up...

Puhut suomea täällä - speak Finnish here, then you'll eventually learn it :) I hardly knew any Finnish at all when I first posted here, but I just tried to write sentences even if they were wrong (and always went back to my Finnish book, although sometimes I didn't look at it for weeks). It pays off, when I started the beginners' class of Finnish in autumn I already knew quite a lot :)

@ Jeff Loomis Fan
I speak German, of course, and I'm fluent in English as well, cos I spent a year there. I also had some Latin classes at school which really helped with the French and Spanish I later tried to learn, but that's a long time ago and I remember little. Now I'm trying to learn Finnish - now that's my ultimate fucking language :D
What kind of language is Japanese, which langugages is it related to? I Don't know the band Japan X, BTW ;)
There are some spoken words at the beginning of "Somebody Put Something In My Drink"

I like to know what they say in Finnish and English please ! :)
Midnightblueshade said:
Hi Torgoth... in some other threads I read about your SS collection including an SS tattoo, and then that display of racious contempt in the joke thread - seems like you're pretty much Faschist or Nazi minded, hm? :err: (Why, what does it mean to you?)
I'm nationalist and I think everyone's should do their part for fatherland(Finland) because they have had free education, social security... And there are bastards who don't anything but enjoy those benefits, make crimes that causes harm to society and don't get any real punishment from that. We really would need stricter laws and punishments. Useless to society and haven't done his part -> death.

I don't feel comfortable talking to you about petty little things all the while knowing I'm a potential victim if people of your mindset ever came to power in Europe :(
Why you are potential victim?
kuukaudesta kuukauden = from month to month, I meant to say
Kuukaudesta kuukauteen or so that it would sound better in Finnish kuukaudesta toiseen = from month to another.
Useful phrases and words:

Missä on vessa? - Where's the toilet?
Missä on baari? - Where's the bar?
Perkele! - Officially satan, but can be used as an expression of anger.
Saatana! - Ditto ^
Vittu! - Fuck
Onpas muijalla isot meijerit... - Polite way to say hello to a woman (WOMAN ONLY)

No niin Suomalaiset, eipäs kertoilla tuon viimesen jutun oikeata tarkoitusta. :grin:
@unorthodoxxx: Ennen ku tuut jakelemaan noita järkeviä fraaseja ja sanojas, voisit tarkistaa monestiko ne on tähänki ketjuun jonku älypään toimesta postattu. Ja suomalaiset kirjoitetaan pienellä.
Torgoth said:
Why you are potential victim?.

Firstly, because I can't keep my mouth shut when human beings are being insulted. The SS didn't like that.
Secondly, I'm suffering from depression. The mentally ill were also victimized in the Third Reich. I've been unable to work for a long time, so I'm useless to society -> death.
Midnightblueshade said:
I've been unable to work for a long time, so I'm useless to society -> death.
Have you ever worked or even wanted to do some work? Noticed and haven't done his part? Gipsies and that kind of bastards are those who deserve death 'cause they have never even wanted to do anything.
Torgoth said:
Have you ever worked or even wanted to do some work? Noticed and haven't done his part? Gipsies and that kind of bastards are those who deserve death 'cause they have never even wanted to do anything.

Wanting to do work didn't help anyone in the Third Reich, neither gipsy, neither ill, neither Jew... You are prejudiced about gipsies. Human beings have human rights because they are human, they don't need to do their part to earn them. And that includes the right to live, noone deserves death.
Midnightblueshade said:
Wanting to do work didn't help anyone in the Third Reich, neither gipsy, neither ill, neither Jew...
I haven't said Third Reich was perfect.
You are prejudiced about gipsies.
I know enough them, just thieves and shit. It's easier to kill them all than to try find some good individual of them. And I'm pretty sure that would be waste of time.
Human beings have human rights because they are human, they don't need to do their part to earn them. And that includes the right to live, noone deserves death.
And I disagree.