All you need to know about Finnish language...

Torgoth said:
I hope I get this right, I'm drunk again.

Mitä tarkoittaa "Cheers" suomeksi? :grin:
Kiitos! Ja kumpi sanotte suomeksi "I'm listening to Darkside right now"?
And how do you say Happy Birthday? Hopefully, I'll be able to congratulate Aleksi in Finnish next year ;)

That German guy answered to my question: "I don't know how many Germans speak Finnish with each other." Well, I guess not too many, cos it causes too much misunderstanding :grin:

Kirjoitan saksalaiselle korrektin lausen. (I'll write the German guy the correct sentence - how do you say this correctly?)

BTW: Sinun vitsit muutissa(??) thread:issä ovat hyvä. Kirjoitin heidät GiMiX:issa :)

NP - Darkside - Fragmental Aggression
Midnightblueshade said:
Mitä tarkoittaa "Cheers" suomeksi?
Ja kumpi sanotte suomeksi "I'm listening to Darkside right now"?
Kuuntelen Darkside:ä juuri nyt.
And how do you say Happy Birthday?
Hyvää syntymäpäivää.
Kirjoitan saksalaiselle korrektin lausen. (I'll write the German guy the correct sentence - how do you say this correctly?)
Kirjoitan saksalaiselle korrektin lauseen.:)
BTW: Sinun vitsit muutissa(??) thread:issä ovat hyvä. Kirjoitin heidät GiMiX:issa :)
Muutissa? :confused: "in other" = "toisessa", you meant?

Your Finnish is really good. Better than my English, heh.:)
Theses pages might help you to learn Finnish:
Online dictionary:
Grammar of verbs:

Torgoth said:
Your Finnish is really good. Better than my English, heh.:)

No! Minun suomi ei ole hyvä :hypno: Minulla on kolme sivua, jotka auttavat minua. Veikkaan, kirjoitat englanninkielia ilman apu sivujen ;)
And I'm getting stuck with learning Finnish now, cos I can't figure out everything in my book... Auttakaa minua, ole hyvä?

Kurt: Paljonko kortti maksaa?
Virkailija: Kolmekymmentä (=30) penniä tavalisessa postissa, lentopostilisä on seitsemän (=7) penniä.

(Did I get the numbers right? Airmail is less expensive then ordinary mail??? Or what does lentopostilisä mean, and which case is it??)

Kurt: Tässä on yksi painava kirje lentopostissa Amerikkaan.

(Mitä tarkoittaa "painava"?)

Virkailija: Yhteensä viisi markka kolmemymmentäviisi penniä. (5,35)
Kurt maksaa ja saa kymmenestä markasta (10) takaisin neljä markkaa kuusikymmentäviisi penniä. (4,65)

= Kurt pays and gets from 10 mark back 4,65 mark .... :confused:
I get the general meaning (5,35+4,65=10) but I don't really understand the sentence. Why is elative used here(kymmenestä markasta)?
somebody please translate this for me:

woman, for the love of god, shave your moustache!

get off your lazy ass and do your fucking job, skanky bitch

im serious about this
Midnightblueshade said:
Kurt: Paljonko kortti maksaa?
Virkailija: Kolmekymmentä (=30) penniä tavalisessa postissa, lentopostilisä on seitsemän (=7) penniä.

(Did I get the numbers right? Airmail is less expensive then ordinary mail??? Or what does lentopostilisä mean, and which case is it??)
lentopostilisä, lisä=addition. So in airmail that would be 37 pences. How old that your book is? That's too cheap.
(Mitä tarkoittaa "painava"?)

Sorry, my grammar really sucks, I don't remember anything about those cases.:cry: Plus, once again, I'm bit drunk. VoG knows those case-things, you should send PM to him.
Torgoth said:
lentopostilisä, lisä=addition. So in airmail that would be 37 pences. How old that your book is? That's too cheap.


Sorry, my grammar really sucks, I don't remember anything about those cases.:cry: Plus, once again, I'm bit drunk. VoG knows those case-things, you should send PM to him.

Ah! :) Nyt ymmärrän! Kirjani on hyvin, hyvin vanha, se kirjoitettiin 1972 :grin: Olen kysynyt VoG:ilta.

well i wonder what this word means : punkkipumpun

i found it in the finnish CoB interview (the 2003 one) on their website
...thought it sounded quite funny... :grin:
Torgoth said:
I thought that I answered to Cyanide last night. Hmm.. Well, anyway, that word could mean "punkband's".
ok thanks Torgoth
Midnightblueshade said:
Virkailija: Yhteensä viisi markka kolmemymmentäviisi penniä. (5,35)
Kurt maksaa ja saa kymmenestä markasta (10) takaisin neljä markkaa kuusikymmentäviisi penniä. (4,65)

= Kurt pays and gets from 10 mark back 4,65 mark .... :confused:
I get the general meaning (5,35+4,65=10) but I don't really understand the sentence. Why is elative used here(kymmenestä markasta)?

ehm... I'm really not too good at this either but...

Saa kymmenestä markasta takaisin neljä markkaa kuusikymmentäviisi penniä = Gets 4mk 65p back out of 10 mk.

The -sta/stä suffix is used when something is coming from somewhere (Kurt tulee Suomesta = Kurt comes from Finland) and also when a smaller thing comes from a bigger thing (Hän repi paperista palan = He ripped off a piece of the paper / Viidestä pullosta oli jäljellä yksi = One was left out of the five bottles). So I think the idea is that the 4,65 is part of the 10 mk given and the 4,65 is coming out of the 10mk. This is how I figure it, the official reason might be something else.
Okay people...
Dikkie has bought a pocket book to learn finnish.
One day i'm going there on holiday....
Want to go to Finland someday!!! Need to !!
So there was a very very funny page in that little book.
From Dutch to Finnish:

Hi all !
I was on a CoB gig and Alexi had got a shirt with those words :
" a palo seko ", I wonder if it means something in finnish ?
And please all of u from suomi, what do say the guys (CoB), at the end of Hate Crew Deathroll, if u listen very well with volume on top u can hear guys laughing, singing ..
Please just translate what they say ..

What a nice thread !
Thank ya ..

The Child Of Bodom
The Child Of Bodom said:
Hi all !
I was on a CoB gig and Alexi had got a shirt with those words :
" a palo seko ", I wonder if it means something in finnish ?
And please all of u from suomi, what do say the guys (CoB), at the end of Hate Crew Deathroll, if u listen very well with volume on top u can hear guys laughing, singing ..
Please just translate what they say ..

What a nice thread !
Thank ya ..

The Child Of Bodom

"a palo seko" doesnt mean anything. Its like "a fire crazy"... End of HCDR, its just drinking sounds, and at one point they say: "3 voice harmony" or something like that...