All you need to know about Finnish language...

Ah! I get it: "Olen kuullut Reiterin laulavan" means "I heard the Reiter's singing." So if aikoa is the wrong word here, which words means "to mean" in Finnish?

Kysyn joltakin = I ask someone, too? Why is that -kin there? Why not just jolta like Abbylta?

Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulun.
Weird... so in Finnish it's singular, although its English (and German BTW) translation has plural?

Torgoth said:
(I was quite a lot drunk yesterday, I had to check what I had wrote here, heh)

Nevermind your being drunk.... Opetelen puhua suomea humalaista ... Tr00 drunk Finnish from a drunk Finn :D ....Uuuuuh, a bit prejudiced about Finns, aren't I? ;)

Puhutko minulla kuinka arvostat Reiterin?
BTW: Oletko vain yksi suomalainen thread-issä? Missä ovat muut suomalaiset? Suomalaisessa keskustelussa part of the forum?
Paljon kiitos sinulla apulla! :)

NP: My Dying Bride - A Sea To Suffer In
Midnightblueshade said:
Puhutko minulla kuinka arvostat Reiterin?
BTW: Oletko vain yksi suomalainen thread-issä? Missä ovat muut suomalaiset? Suomalaisessa keskustelussa part of the forum?
Paljon kiitos sinulla apulla! /forum/images/smilies/smile.gif

Oletko ainoa suomalainen tässä threadissä? (a bit senseless even to me...)

Ei ole enää. ;) (= not anymore)

NP: Iron Maiden - 22 Acacia Avenue
Dethroned said:
Oletko ainoa suomalainen tässä threadissä? (a bit senseless even to me...)

Hei Eddy ;)

Why is it senseless to you?
Nyt ovat kaksi suomalaiset tässä threadissä :)
BTW: Ystäväni on tuon Maidenin julisten. (Well, in fact, its a flag not a poster. ;) )

NP: My Dying Bride - Your Shameful Heaven
I don't know why it's senseless, it feels like it :lol: I have sometimes these weird feelings about finnish words :D

Nyt ovat kaksi suomalaiset tässä threadissä = nyt ON kaksi SUOMALAISTA tässä threadissä

Ystäväni on tuon Maidenin julisten = Ystävälläni on tuo Maidenin juliste.

You're writing finnish quite well mate. :)
thebigyetti said:
now the only problem is figuring out the exact pronunciation

Here are some soundfiles of Finnish that will give you a general idea of how Finnish is pronounced...

@badchild83 Yeah, those soundbits sound kinda like Italian to me, too. E.g. the -ulla bit of Minulla oli mukava.
Here's a link that will read out a text in Finnish, but unfortunately it only works with the Internet Explorer :cry:
Midnightblueshade said:
So if aikoa is the wrong word here, which words means "to mean" in Finnish?
Kysyn joltakin = I ask someone, too? Why is that -kin there? Why not just jolta like Abbylta?
Uh, someone wiser explain this.
Minä olen kuullut vain muutaman laulun.
Weird... so in Finnish it's singular, although its English (and German BTW) translation has plural?
"Minä olen kuullut vain muutamia lauluja." Now it's in plural and meaning is same.
Nevermind your being drunk.... Opetelen puhua suomea humalaista ... Tr00 drunk Finnish from a drunk Finn :D ....Uuuuuh, a bit prejudiced about Finns, aren't I? ;)
Heh, justified prejudice.:D
Puhutko minulla kuinka arvostat Reiterin?
Joo, kerron sitte ku saan samplet. Yes, I'll tell when I have get the samples. Now connection isn't working properly, it's so fucking slow that I don't even try to download those. (I have gprs)

I think I go buy some beer now. And then to sauna.
OK, I'll wait for someone wiser ;) Odotan jota viisampi. (I have no clue as to which case to use here, allative maybe?)
Online sanakirja puhuu: "No matches were found for "ku"" Mikä tarkoittaa sana "ku"?
Mikä on gprs? Tietän vain GPS :D

Torgoth said:
Heh, justified prejudice.:D

I think I go buy some beer now. And then to sauna.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Laughed my head off on that one *g* @justified prejudice

But be careful with that beer in the sauna... remember: alcohol vaporizes at 80°C :D
Midnightblueshade said:
OK, I'll wait for someone wiser ;) Odotan jota viisampi. (I have no clue as to which case to use here, allative maybe?)
Online sanakirja puhuu: "No matches were found for "ku"" Mikä tarkoittaa sana "ku"?
Mikä on gprs?

I'm not wiser but I'll try....
ku = kun (when talking it's often said "ku", so in non-formal language it's sometimes also written like that)
gprs = "fast" mobile phone internet connection, faster than regular mobile connection anyway.

joltakin = joltain = jolta kulta = from someone... I really don't have a clue why it has the -kin suffix, and don't even ask why "jolta kulta" :D .... I can't come up with any logical reason, why it would have the suffix. I think there is some sort of grammatical explanation, but it beats me. Like you said, it would make sense if it would be just "jolta", but it doesn't work like that. If someone would said something like "Kysy jolta", it's just a uncompleted sentence that makes no sense.
Weird.... so you count 1 Finn, 2 Finn, 3 Finn, unlike in English 1 Finn, 2 Finns, 3 Finns....?
Arghl, yeah, the poster should be subject case in that sentence...
BTW, is there any Finnish word for a "thread of a messageboard"? Cos we say "thread" in German.... Puhumme "thread" saksalaiseksi.

Dethroned said:
You're writing finnish quite well mate. :)

Kiitos :oops:

Mutta en puhu suomea, minulla on kaksi sivu, joka minua auttakaa - one for vocabulary and another for grammar ;)
I wonder, if I come back in two weeks, will I understand my own sentences?
Ihmetelen, tulen ja luken kaksi viikko, ymärränkö minun oman lausen?
Midnightblueshade said:
BTW, is there any Finnish word for a "thread of a messageboard"? Cos we say "thread" in German.... Puhumme "thread" saksalaiseksi.

Mutta en puhu suomea, minulla on kaksi sivu, joka minua auttakaa

Ihmetelen, tulen ja luken kaksi viikko, ymärränkö minun oman lausen?

Thread = ketju/säie, but it's rarely used these days, especially in web... more used in newsgroups. Usually people just say thread.

1) We say "thread" in German = Sanomme "thread" Saksassa/saksaksi (saksalainen = someone who is german)
2) kaksi sivuA. I'm not sure what you mean with "joka minua auttakaa", but it's probably either "jotka auttavat minua" (=which help me), or "joten auttakaa minua" (=so help me)
3)I wonder, if I come back in two weeks, will I understand my own sentences? = Ihmettelen, että jos tulen takaisin kahden viikon päästä, ymmärränkö omia lauseitani. / Ihmettelen, ymmärränkö omia lauseitani, jos tulen takaisin kahden viikon päästä. (latter has different structure, but it sounds more natural (IMO))
Kiitos! Sanomme "thread" saksaksi. Sanottekin "thread" suomeksi. Minulla on kaksi sivua, jotka auttavat minua. Ihmettelen, ymärränkö omia lausetani, jos tulen takaisin kahden viikon päästä.

Ah, of course@auttavat. What case is omia lauseta, partitive? (I won't try to understand each word of the other clause, it's still too difficult for me ;)) In German, the second would sound more natural, too. I kinda feel like Finnish sentence structure is more close to German than English, which is kinda natural, both Finnish and German expressing meaning by cases, while English uses word order and sentence structure to make the meaning clear. So I'd better translate from German, while I'm still translating and not thinking in Finnish yet.

Mutta saksalla on vain neljä case-t.... heck, that online dic gives me 9 words for case, I don't know, which is the right one ;)
En ajat(t?)ele suomeksi.... not yet, but I'm gonna get there, hah! :D
Voice of God said:
gprs = "fast" mobile phone internet connection, faster than regular mobile connection anyway.

Hyvää huomenta!

Gee, neat things you Finns got there! I don't think many Germans go online withe a mobile phone, not even with a slow connection ;-)
Minulla ei ole matkapuhelin, mutta olen vain muutamia saksalaiset matkapuhelin ilman. Menen online with ADSL - on hyvin luja (=fast).

BTW: I just tried "hyvää huomenta" with that Finnish-speaking link ( It's so funny, it sounds like someone speaking with an eastern German accent :lol:
Anyway, the eastern part of Germany is called Sachsen (pronounced saksen).... Minä en puhu saksaa, I speak proper German :D
Midnightblueshade said:
Minulla ei ole matkapuhelin, mutta olen vain muutamia saksalaiset matkapuhelin ilman. Menen online with ADSL - on hyvin luja (=fast).

Minulla ei ole matkapuhelinTA, mutta olen vain yksi muutamista saksalaisista ilman matkapuhelinta. (, but I'm only one of the few germans without cellphone) Menen verkkoon ADSL:llä - se on hyvin nopea. (hmm... this can be said better, but this works ok)

btw. I think it's rather rare to use web with cellphone here too. I know I wouldn't, the (lack of) speed is pain in the ass, as I've gotten used to my T1....
Hey, what is this stupid star doing there? They stole my grinning smiley :cry:

Minulla ei ole matkapuhelinta = partitive singular?
Oh fuck, I meant to say there are only few Germans without, should have been ovat.... Mutta ovat vain muutamia saksalaiset, would that be correct?
Menen verkkoon ADSL-llä.... Mitä sanon se parempi?
Midnightblueshade said:
Hey, what is this stupid star doing there?
Where? What star? :confused:
Oh fuck, I meant to say there are only few Germans without, should have been ovat.... Mutta ovat vain muutamia saksalaiset, would that be correct?
Vain muutamilla saksalaisilla ei ole matkapuhelinta. = Only few Germans don't have mobile phone. Did you meant that?
Menen verkkoon ADSL-llä.... Mitä sanon se parempi?
That's fine. I had ADSL-connection but when I moved I had to buy this gprs-phone 'cause it's a lot cheaper than ADSL. Only 16,65 per month no matter how much I use it.

(Drunk again. No need to wonder unreasonable posts.:D )
Torgoth said:
Where? What star? :confused:

Eilen oli tässä tähti sijasta (=instead of) tämä smiley: :D

Vain muutamilla saksalaisilla ei ole matkapuhelinta. = Only few Germans don't have mobile phone. Did you meant that?

Yeah, I meant that... I think, this thread is just getting me more and more confused about Finnish instead of helping me to learn it :confused: ;)
Mitä ADSL maksaa Suomessa? Saksassa se maksaa 25€ (Telekom), and it is a flatrate, too. Onko sinun gprs-phone nyt hyvä ja nopea? Oletko voinut saada Reiterin laulua?
BTW: I know "my" can be said by "minun" or "-ni" in Finnish. minun ystävä = ystäväni. So what is the difference between them? When do you use which?

NP: Fields of the Nephilim - Fallen

EDIT: Damn typos *grrrr*
Midnightblueshade said:
Mitä ADSL maksaa Suomessa?
I don't remember, in my old apartment that belong to rent.
Onko sinun gprs-phone nyt hyvä ja nopea? Oletko voinut saada Reiterin laulua?
Voi vittu, unohdin koko homman. Oh fuck, I forgot that. I just put Instinct coming.
BTW: I know "my" can be said by "minun" or "-ni" in Finnish. minun ystävä = ystäväni. So what is the difference between them? When do you use which?
I dunno what's the difference, VoG is better explaining these. IMO both are fine.