All you need to know about Finnish language...

Hei! Greetings from Austria!

Could someone please translate this for me? :)

Hän katsoi maan reunalta tähteä putoavaa
Nyt kauniit kasvot neitosen peittäa karu maa
Jokaisen täytyy katsoa silmiin totuuden
Sillä aika ompi voittoisa, mut' tämä maa on ikuinen
Axana said:
"kerran tunsin yhden kaverin joka oli kuullut että...eiku en mä tuntenutkaan sitä,tai oikeastaan se olikin,no,me niinku tavallaan moikkaillaan kun törmätään,tai äh,ei varsinaisesti edes...tota,mä näin sen kerran ku se oli yhden mun toisen kamun kanssa,tai oikeastaan ei sekään ollut varsinainen tuttu,mut mä olin kuullu siitä,olisko se sit ollut radiosta tai mistä alueuutisista lukenu.ei vaan sehän olikin niinku mun naapurin joku entinen,tai sit ne oli tavannu siellä...öö... jokatapauksessa,eiku...joo...unohda koko juttu..."
hallo people!
I was just wondering what i wrote up there....?Perttu from Apocalyptica wrote this on their official site... :confused:

Thx, Axana.
:cry: hilfe....
Axana said:
"kerran tunsin yhden kaverin joka oli kuullut että...eiku en mä tuntenutkaan sitä,tai oikeastaan se olikin,no,me niinku tavallaan moikkaillaan kun törmätään,tai äh,ei varsinaisesti edes...tota,mä näin sen kerran ku se oli yhden mun toisen kamun kanssa,tai oikeastaan ei sekään ollut varsinainen tuttu,mut mä olin kuullu siitä,olisko se sit ollut radiosta tai mistä alueuutisista lukenu.ei vaan sehän olikin niinku mun naapurin joku entinen,tai sit ne oli tavannu siellä...öö... jokatapauksessa,eiku...joo...unohda koko juttu..."

"I once knew a mate who had heard, that... oh I didn't know him, or actually he was, well, we in a sort of way greet each other when we meet and so on, or no, not actually even that... oh, I saw him once when he was with my other mate, or actually that guy wasn't my mate neither, but I had heard about him, from the radio or local news maybe. No, it was my neighbours ex, or they had met there... umm... FORGET IT!"

Don't blame me, the word order is messed up already in Finnish


And "poskenpehmyt" means "as soft as cheek"

"Mistä sadut tulevat?

Mummin tilkkuvakasta,
kesämökin takasta,

sateen kirjokaaresta,
kaukaisesta saaresta,

polunvieren kukasta,
sinisesta sukasta,

maailmasta suuresta,
oman korvan juuresta.

Sieltä sadut tulevat."

i've been trying my hand at translating this but i don't really understand some of the grammatic rules...anyone care to help out a struggling student? lol;)
HalfpintHenkka said:

"Mistä sadut tulevat?

Mummin tilkkuvakasta,
kesämökin takasta,

sateen kirjokaaresta,
kaukaisesta saaresta,

polunvieren kukasta,
sinisesta sukasta,

maailmasta suuresta,
oman korvan juuresta.

Sieltä sadut tulevat."

i've been trying my hand at translating this but i don't really understand some of the grammatic rules...anyone care to help out a struggling student? lol;)

Ok i'm bored so ill give it a shot. It's a childish poem about where the fairytales come from, anyways:

"Where do the fairytales come from?

From the grandma's patchbushel (is there such a word? it's a direct translation from the dictionary, i dont even know what the finnish word means :loco: )
From the fireplace of the summercottage

From the spectrum arch of the rain
From the island far away

From the flower next to the path
From the blueish sock

From the world so big
From the origin of your own ear

That's where fairytales come from"

Many sentences make really no sence becouse it is made to rhyme. These kinds of poems can be quite popular with some kids. The idea is to pick something you know where it comes from, then you first say the "Mistä -- tulevat?" then you start the poem with -sta endings ("from the" -beginning in english) and when your done with the -sta's you say "Sieltä -- tulevat" I remember some girls used play this "game" when i was a kid :p
Zicrom said:
What is the meaning of "Vittu joo"???

haha what i learned (from the masters of the finnish metal themselves) Vittu is fuck (or usually refers to woman's organs hehe)
not sure about the joo tho!
On Norther's single for "Spreading Death", there is a sort of hidden track that what I imagine is the band talking and laughing in Finnish. Would anyone care to translate?