I'll give it a try and hope I'll be corrected in case I tell you something wrong as I've only been learning Finnish for a couple of months... I feel ok about everything that can be solved with the help of a dictionary though.
think: luulla, hate: vihata, play (music): soittaa, go: mennä, kill: tappaa
(I hate you = minä vihan sinua, I play music = minä soitan musiikkia)
The word I found for 'own, have' is omistaa, but the more commonly used construction (I think, because I've never heard the word omistaa before) would be
I/you/he,she/we/you/they have - minulla/sinnula/hänellä/meillä/teillä/heillä on.
(ex.: I have a black Randy Rhoads. - Minulla on musta RR.)
Who is = Kuka on (ketä is the partitive form)
@Goth_Fiend: It must be 'ylöspäin', not 'yläspäin', and I don't know how a Finn would see that, but I can't really find a sense in that sentence...
The words mean you (plural) ? (can't find that one anywhere, but it's a noun) fuck (verb) turn (verb - can be colloquial for steal) upwards block dirty.
What confuses me most is that all the verbs are in infinitive form and all the nouns in the nominative...
Well, at least I tried.
Now could somebody who actually speaks Finnish please come and tell me that there really is no sense in there??