All you need to know about Finnish language...

Haha.. I am not German.
I just took some in school and I was saying "I speak German also" and "I am great"...

haha, sorry for any confusion.. I tried *shrugs* It's been awhile. But some Germans have still understood me.
Hi ! i can translate it for you... Midnightblueshade had it almost right :)

† Wild Child † said:
Inn I Slottet Fra Droemmen Gjennom taakete daler mellom dystre fjell under graa skyer mitt i svarte natt paa en stolt hest ifort svarte kler sterke vaapen i haand Uendelig med dode trer en evighet av kulde over stokk og stein inn i skyggene... Ut fra taaken ut fra morke ut fr fjellets store skygge drommens slott... da stopper rittet som varte i en livstid for herren gaar (Inn i slottet far droemmen) ----> is this Finnish? And if it is, what does it mean?

"Into the castle from a dream, through foggy valleys,between darkened (?) mountains, and under grey skies. In the middle of the darkest night, on a proud black horse, dressed in black, with strong weapon in hand, unnumbered of dead, an eternity of cold spreads over logs and rocks into the shadows. Out from the mist, out through the huge shadows from the mountains, the castle of dreams. then the journey, who lasted for a lifetime ends, the lord enters the castle of dreams"

It was kind of difficult to translate, because it was a little strange :) i think it's a bit "read for your self and deside"........i'm not so good at translating from norwegian to english, so if anyone has something to add they should !!!!

This has probably already been asked, but what does the chant mean in the 2003 tuska open air video they repeat it twice, i think its before downfall, alexi says something then the crowd chants something what is alexi and the crowd saying?
can someone tell me what "ursvamp" means. and try to translate the entire tracklist from Finntroll's Nattfödd while you're at it please.
you mean this with that tuska 2003: Soita punkkia vitun kusipää! (play punk, fucking asshole!)
and hedmund, that is swedish, so I can't really translate that.. but maybe someone else can..
... strange, since a swedish person told me it was finnish, plus it's from a finnish band. but maybe someone else can translate it? (please?)
Hedmund said:
... strange, since a swedish person told me it was finnish, plus it's from a finnish band. but maybe someone else can translate it? (please?)
Nope, it's swedish... but luckily (at least this time, swedish lessons suck :D ) we have to study swedish here in Finland.

1. Windtravel
2. Eliytres (don't know about this one)
3. Fishermans Foes
4. The Trollhammer
5. Nightbirth
6. Primal Mushroom
7. Wise of the Market
8. The Icecold Trollblood
9. Children of the Cave
10. Smoke
Αν νομιζετε οτι τα φινλανδικα ειναι δυσκολα που να δειτε τα ελληνικα.
Hi, I would like to know the infinitive form of the verbs Think , Have, Hate , Play, Go and kill.

ex:I hate you. I play music.

and in a question Like: Who is..., Am i ok if i said: Ketä on...???

Miellyttää(???) and Kiitos! :Spin:
a friend of mine wrote this down for me today, what the hell does it mean?

te koristeltu naida kääntää yläspäin blokki sotkea!!

he was laughing his ass off when he showed it to me, so it cant be good (is he making fun of me?)
I'll give it a try and hope I'll be corrected in case I tell you something wrong as I've only been learning Finnish for a couple of months... I feel ok about everything that can be solved with the help of a dictionary though.

think: luulla, hate: vihata, play (music): soittaa, go: mennä, kill: tappaa
(I hate you = minä vihan sinua, I play music = minä soitan musiikkia)

The word I found for 'own, have' is omistaa, but the more commonly used construction (I think, because I've never heard the word omistaa before) would be
I/you/he,she/we/you/they have - minulla/sinnula/hänellä/meillä/teillä/heillä on.
(ex.: I have a black Randy Rhoads. - Minulla on musta RR.)

Who is = Kuka on (ketä is the partitive form)

@Goth_Fiend: It must be 'ylöspäin', not 'yläspäin', and I don't know how a Finn would see that, but I can't really find a sense in that sentence...
The words mean you (plural) ? (can't find that one anywhere, but it's a noun) fuck (verb) turn (verb - can be colloquial for steal) upwards block dirty.
What confuses me most is that all the verbs are in infinitive form and all the nouns in the nominative...
Well, at least I tried. :D Now could somebody who actually speaks Finnish please come and tell me that there really is no sense in there??
goth_fiend said:
a friend of mine wrote this down for me today, what the hell does it mean?

te koristeltu naida kääntää yläspäin blokki sotkea!!

he was laughing his ass off when he showed it to me, so it cant be good (is he making fun of me?)

It means: You decorated fuck (verb) turn upwards (mispelled) block make mess.