So am I, learning Finnish for fun, and I had to search really hard to find other learners of Finnish. Luckily I found a Finnish class
I really want to go into the big details, therefore it really bugs me that we haven't learned those nominal forms yet, so I know only very little about it. "Nominal form" means a verb is turned into a noun. In English this is done by using the gerund, so I guess as a rule of thumb you can translate it using the -ing form.
-minen, -mista is used when talking about an activity:
tulla --> tuleminen
Tuleminen on hauska. = Coming is fun.
... or the second coming of Christ:
He kaipaavat toista tulemista. = They await the second coming.
Here's an example for the nominal form ending in -en:
...hän piti niistä, sanoen että...
...she liked them, saying that...
Hate_Crew said:
And the verb To Come is tulla right?? So i found on a site that the verb To Become was also Tulla, Is that true????
Yep, that's right, tulla means "to come" as well as "to be-come".
When meaning "to become", "tulla" used with translative (ending in -ksi)
Roope tuli Bodomin kitaristiksi. = Roope became Bodom's guitarist.