All you need to know about Finnish language...

Sinulla on kauniit sininiset silmät!
(You have beautiful blue eyes!)
Comes with a non-robotic prononciation on:

BloodyScalpel said:
Just pointing another difference in the pronunciation of finnish and spanish: the 'c' in spanish sounds like 's' in 'save', and in finnish it has more of a 'k' sound(according to mr. robot on the site)
"C" isn't a native Finnish letter, they spell sello, kemia, Kiina, kristitty instead of cello, chemistry, china, Christ.
BTW What about Spanish words like cama or cuna? ;)
Kristitty= not Christ, christian.
And I'm not sure about the s having more k in it, not to my ears at least...
And if anyone has some tips to learning spanish, or useful sites, I'd be grateful. I have to learn spanish.
Most of Darkwing Duck I've been able to find in the net to download has been subbed in spanish. I'm gutted.
And the cheesy ones....

Istu tähän, sä oot varmaan väsynyt, kun sä oot juossu mun unissa koko yön.
Sit here, you must be tired since you've been running in my dreams all night.

Ei ihme että sataa. Taivas varmaan itkee, kun ne menetti yhden enkeleistään.
No wonder it's raining. Heaven must be crying, 'cause it has lost one of its angels.

Sun vaatteet näyttäis tosi hyvältä mun makuuhuoneen lattialla.
Your clothes would look really good on my bedroom floor.

There's a lot more of these, if you want=).
Friends of mine once tried the whole list through, to see if they work. I think one or two actually did=D.
Ali3n said:
tslanslate me this chorus of a catamenia's song please :)

Verikansan maa
Ylpee olla aina saan
Meidän sotilaat
Toivat meille vapaan maan
Verikansan maa
Muistamme tän ainiaan
Meidän urheat
Nauttiamme saamme...vapautta

Bloodnation's land
I may always be proud
Our soldiers
Brought us free land
Bloodnation's land
We will remember this eternally
Our brave
We may enjoy...freedom
Chaosia said:
And the cheesy ones....

Istu tähän, sä oot varmaan väsynyt, kun sä oot juossu mun unissa koko yön.
Sit here, you must be tired since you've been running in my dreams all night.

Ei ihme että sataa. Taivas varmaan itkee, kun ne menetti yhden enkeleistään.
No wonder it's raining. Heaven must be crying, 'cause it has lost one of its angels.

Sun vaatteet näyttäis tosi hyvältä mun makuuhuoneen lattialla.
Your clothes would look really good on my bedroom floor.

There's a lot more of these, if you want=).
Friends of mine once tried the whole list through, to see if they work. I think one or two actually did=D.

Haha if you can post more of them they would be awsome, the third one is the best by far :rock:
for those of you who have seen the young guitar reap n roll dvd with alexi, could you tell me what theyre saying when everyone is cracking up in the extra footage section. hahha i caught a couple of "vittu"s in there :grin: but not much else. kiitos
Chaosia said:
And the cheesy ones....

Istu tähän, sä oot varmaan väsynyt, kun sä oot juossu mun unissa koko yön.
Sit here, you must be tired since you've been running in my dreams all night.

Ei ihme että sataa. Taivas varmaan itkee, kun ne menetti yhden enkeleistään.
No wonder it's raining. Heaven must be crying, 'cause it has lost one of its angels.

Sun vaatteet näyttäis tosi hyvältä mun makuuhuoneen lattialla.
Your clothes would look really good on my bedroom floor.

There's a lot more of these, if you want=).
Friends of mine once tried the whole list through, to see if they work. I think one or two actually did=D.

There's no way a finnish man would ever say those, unless very VERY drunk (and maybe forced into it by a bet).
And believe me, it wasn't these lines that worked for your friend but the girls took pity on him ;) Or were horny, or drunk and then who cares what the other one is saying, heh.
_Zsuzsa_ said:
There's no way a finnish man would ever say those, unless very VERY drunk (and maybe forced into it by a bet).
And believe me, it wasn't these lines that worked for your friend but the girls took pity on him ;) Or were horny, or drunk and then who cares what the other one is saying, heh.
95% of the time i met finnish girls, they were pretty drunk and thats pretty good
so to quote anchorman is say 60% of the time it works everytime
'....where we can listen to some music/just talk/talk about our feelings/just sleep in the same bed'.


Some actually think I'd buy THAT. I've done extensive field tests, they're all the same.
Ruska and Kaamos are the ones I can think of right away... and once again, they're quite untranslateble=).
Ruska= The period in autumn, when the leaves turn to red/yellow/brown, and it's really colourful and the weather starts getting colder, is called ruska. Especially in Lappi or Northern Finland it's really beautiful.
Kaamos= The long dark period in winter, when you can't see sun much of the time. Also kaamosmasennus, kaamos depression, 'cause some people tend to get depressed with the lack of light.
Also, can somebody put the numbers in Finnish?

And what is the basic grammar structure (if any. . .)?
Do you know any web page where I could find this?

Kiitos (Nocheinmal).