All you need to know about Finnish language...

And the part where Janne got the CD against his head was also pretty funny :lol:
Actually Alexi gave Janne a couple of kisses during the show
that's like the website from the channel where the programm is on, they just anounce it over there and shit like that (who's gonna be next in the programm,...) and it might be that there will be pictures of the programm soon
Quick question i actually might be moving to Finland to stufy music there so i need like quick survival phrases plz
P.S: The conservetory of pop&Jazz like Alexi and Janne hhehehehe lucky me my parents are cool about it. I wonder how long of a flight it would be from Cairo to Helsinki
Quick question i actually might be moving to Finland to stufy music there so i need like quick survival phrases plz
P.S: The conservetory of pop&Jazz like Alexi and Janne hhehehehe lucky me my parents are cool about it. I wonder how long of a flight it would be from Cairo to Helsinki

I'm too lazy to write all the "useful" sentences but here's a good website to learn some Finnish.
"we" is not finnish, "Hipaista" is "To touch (lightly)", "Sinun" is "Yours", "Hulttio" is "scroundrel" and "Heti" is "Now". That sentence makes no sense at all.

"Kummuta" is.. Well I don't really know an english word for that and my dictionary neither does, "Te osata" is "You can" but in a wrong way, "Te sisu hassu" is "You stamina funny" and "Avulla" is "With help of ---" and "Kitara" is "guitar". I've been wondering what the fuck is the point of that sig...