Some examples.
Who are you? = Kuka olet?
Who do you mean? = Ketä tarkoitat?
Who did you talk with? = Kenen kanssa keskustelit?
Whose car is this? = Kenen auto tämä on?
Who did you give it to?= Kenelle annoit sen?
Who did you get it from? = Keneltä sait sen?
Whom do you trust? = Keneen luotat?
Who did you think he was? = Keneksi luulit häntä?
And make it more interesting when who is relative pronoun, it 's not kuka,ketkä,... anymore but joka, jotka, jonka, joiden, jota, joita, jossa, joissa, josta, joista, johon, joihin, jolla, joilla, jolta, joilta, jolle, joille, jona, joina, joksi, joiksi.
My father who was lawyer = Isäni joka oli asianajaja.
Man who cried = Mies joka itki.
The man who I wanted to talk to = Mies jollehalusin puhua.
The girl whose dress was red = Tyttö jonka mekko oli punainen.
I: You are going on tour to North-America. What are you going to say when people ask where does your name come from?
AL: It has been said so many times that you dont need to tell it for Finnish people. But it was like pain in the ass when we had to explain in every fucking country this Bodom-lake spectacle. Every time when somebody comes to ask What is the story behind the lake Bodom you are like Oh fuck!
Taken from the translate in 'more info'.
Sorry if it's already been asked (I'm sure it was), but what is Perkele?! nobody in Finland wanted to tell me. I know it's from the hitch hock comics, but other then that I'm not entirely sure what it is. I once read it means a demon or something >.>
A little OT.
In sweden we have a new backside of our "enkrona". That is 1 sek.
The letters on it tells:
"Den underbara sagan om ett land på andra sidan hafvet Sverige 1809 - 1 Kr - Finland 2009"
"The wonderful saga/story about a country across the sea"
Its about Sweden and Finland, when they seperated in 1809. ^^
^^Yeh, I heard about that in the news and they said most of swedish people dont really like that new coins remind them about their lost in the war agains russia, or something like that. So how is it really? You hate having that kind of "theme" in your new coins? Being curious