All you need to know about Finnish language...

You could live there by just speaking English just fine, unless you're in a public(read: shit) job. Anyone who can't speak English in a western country, is not worth talking to.
Same goes for Norway, Sweden and other Nordic countries. It's worse in countries like Germany and France, where some people outright refuse to learn English.
Why would anyone want to move here? Finland is nothing special, except we got a shitload of bad metal-bands here.
Because I'm tired of the "brazilian way". I just want to live my life in a place where people won't laugh at me for wanting to do stuff the right way, where the politicians won't abuse the citizens... I know there's no place on earth where 100% of the folks is honest, but I know there are places way better than brazil when it comes to honesty. I am pretty much a naive person, and I don't want to have to lose that... I'm not expecting to party all the time in Finland. I just want to move and have a peaceful life, a job that pays me enough to pay my bills and buy some books or cds or go to a concert every once in a while...

Maybe you guys who live in Finland won't understand why would I want to leave my house, that is less than 20 minutes (on foot) from the beach, why would I want to leave the pleasant brazilian sun to live in Finland. This place is fucked up. Teachers make less than BRL$1000 per month, while politicians make BRL$60,000. This country depresses me. There was a time in my life when I wanted to stay and make this country better by doing my best, but I came to realize it's out of my reach. I'm tired, I gave up. I just want to get away from all the dirty ways adopted in this country.
I've always heard that Finnish people are very honest, and that's the kind of people I want around me.
about learning Finland... I think it is matter of respect learning the language of the place you visit. Since I want more than just visiting Finland, I guess I should learn Finnish... Also, I like to study languages, and I find Finnish a very interesting language. I like the way it sounds, and the way you read the words is very similar to portuguese, so... why not? For the hell of it, I dropped college and I haven't figured out yet what graduation I'm going to take, I have to study something or my brain's gonna start shrinking.
It's true, Finnish phonology has a lot in common with Portuguese.

The grammar, sentence structure and everything else?

... no, not really. It's not even an European language, ffs. (etymologically speaking).

Canada is actually a much better choice.
yeah I agree about Canada... Finland is kinda my dream... northern lights and all the lakes and all the culture I've been reading for so long... yeah I'm thinking too big, but I guess this is part of my whole passion for the country...
I'll start reading more about Canada, since you guys say it's basically the same, hopefully I'll fall in love with Canada too and I'll be able to live in a peaceful place before I die ^-^
>implying Canada doesn't have northern lights, lakes and that whole majestic forest/snow culture bs

Canada is Finland on crack. But we have other shit too, we are a very geographically diverse nation. We also have big cities and nice small towns, it's actually a great place to live.... except for the immigrants and shitty (but free) healthcare. IMO I couldn't think of another country I'd wanna live in, maybe Norway because everyone says it has the best standard of living. But if I moved out of this country, it'd be to a warmer climate I think.
Canada is seriously number 1 on my list. The US is an embarrassment and it will be breaking apart soon. Finland is retarded; if you want to go to Europe, why not Switzerland or the Netherlands? When I imagine those places I see myself in a place far away from ignorant dumbasses and surrounded by awesome nature and pacifists who understand the difference between self-defense and unjust actions. I can go crazy into the fluoride in the water and other conspiracy stuff but I'll take Canada, New Zealand, Switzerland or somewhere in Northern Europe.

Oh, and there's less religious cretins those places also. Cha-ching.
Brazil isn't really that bad.

The hassles of leaving (and leaving behind family, a familiar language, etc) far outweigh the benefits - especially considering that scientists here get automatic tenure.
Brazil isn't really that bad.

The hassles of leaving (and leaving behind family, a familiar language, etc) far outweigh the benefits - especially considering that scientists here get automatic tenure.

that's because your family is not of dickheads, and you haven't been mugged 4 times, and everytime you park, toothless crackhead ask if he can take care of your car. Or if you live in this city, its like living on Jersey Shore, and you constantly want to punch people in the face. São Paulo is a breeze compared to here.
I don't know... I've already left my family and I don't have any friends in real life (just people to hang around and get drunk with). My parents, my friends, the people I care the most already live too far away from me. It's just my husband. He's the only person from all the ones I care about that I see often and would miss, but I have no intention to move without him.
About the language, I already speak English, I work in an English school where we speak English 24/7 and the rest of my life is basically on the internet, mostly in English too. I guess I'd adapt pretty quickly to the language, just get used to accents and stuff. The language factor makes Canada sound terribly attractive...
And c'mon man, I know this country could be way worse, we don't have wars, we have enough water to take 2 showers everyday if we want to, we have a a lot of different fruits we can buy for a reasonable price (really cheap if compared to Europe, but I don't like fruits anyway), the warm climate is nice depending on which part of the country you live... but this is it. It is impossible not to be bothered about our government and our politicians. And the music scene, ffs, metal scene in brazil is nearly nonexistent and most metal bands have to pay if they want to play. We also pay huge amounts of taxes on everything, to have nothing back from the government: health care service, schools, all broken! Not enough doctors, not enough teachers, no structure at all. Because the government thinks it is a better idea to bring a world cup to this fucked up country. I'm tired of it. I don't want to live in a place where I can't think about my country without being very very pissed off. a place where I have to drown myself on my tumblr world so I won't think about everything wrong that's going on...
and yeah, also the crackheads and safety issues. seriously, this place sucks.

>implying Canada doesn't have northern lights, lakes and that whole majestic forest/snow culture bs
Dude, I'm sorry. I just didn't know that it was possible to see the Northern Lights from Canada... as I said before, I'm very ignorant about Canada, all I know is what I saw on Bowling for Columbine... I'm certainly going to read more about your country. Thanks for letting me know about that :]
and you constantly want to punch people in the face.
I live in a very calm city compared to Brazilian big cities, but I forgot to talk about the bricklayers. As I said before, I live by the seashore, so this is a city that requires constant maintenance, and there's always tons of buildings being build, and a few falling to the ground too (the dangerous and unplanned way). So this city is basically inhabited by bricklayers. So, EVERY FUCKING DAY I hear some joke while I'm going to work or going back home. At first I didn't mind, but I can't take it anymore. They don't care about nothing, most of times I dress like a guy, and still they make jokes, calling me and saying nasty things. Seriously, I wish I could carry a gun and just shot those pieces of shit. I wish I could smash their faces with my fists. But I can't carry a gun, I'm not strong enough to smash their faces, and even if I was, I go home on foot, and they're always on a bicycle. Seriously, this is another thing that makes me so pissed off.
that's because your family is not of dickheads, and you haven't been mugged 4 times, and everytime you park, toothless crackhead ask if he can take care of your car. Or if you live in this city, its like living on Jersey Shore, and you constantly want to punch people in the face. São Paulo is a breeze compared to here.

Funny story: my parents just came back from Paris.

They were mugged there.