All you need to know about Finnish language...

Sometime around noon I saw that there were 25 pages of threads instead of 4, and I thought I'd bring this classic back to life :)
finnish dictionary:
perkele Perkunas in lithuenian, god of thunder. god's enemy, a personification of evil. in bible often a considered a fallen angel. still in the 15th century in christian world perkele-belief was flourishing in witch hunts.
there you have it ;) bad translation :\
TWILIGHT: If you think Oulu is forest, then what do you say about Evijärvi. And the next thing you think when you see this is: wehre the hell is Evijärvi?

And you can think about that for a while.:D
ohh.. I have missed this thread completely :)

the only "useful" finnish sentence I can figure out right now..
ota minut takaapäin
or something like that.. dunno how its spelled :)
Originally posted by ThePKH
I have link for you guys.

Best English-Finnish-English dictionary I've found in the net.

Thanks for the link! I don't suppose you know of any good Finnish grammar books online? I'm currently in Finland without a clue on how to speak or read finnytongue. It trully makes it an adventure to go the grocery store and hoping the meat you're buying is actually cow... hehhehehheh...
I bet they don't sell rats in finnish supermarkets, so in the worst case you're eating moose... :p

BTW: Where do you originally come from and what are you doing in Funland?
Originally posted by Northern Viking
I bet they don't sell rats in finnish supermarkets, so in the worst case you're eating moose... :p

BTW: Where do you originally come from and what are you doing in Funland?

Moose doesn't sound too bad... hehheheheh... there's a reindeer tv dinner in the stores, i think, that I've been meaning to try. but dammitt, I can't read the cooking instructions on my finnish TV dinners!

I'm from Southern California and I'm in Finnyland to hang wif a friend and work in a band. So far, I've been here two weeks and I am barely grasping the bare bones of finnish, things like kiitos and basic forms of the verb "to be" -- olen, olet... etc. I know "on" means "is" and "ja" means "and" and that plural nouns often end with -t. Oh yeah, and I know to go into the water closet labeled "N", although I'm not sure what "N" stands for...