All you need to know about Finnish language...

Mitähän meikkis osais sanoa saksaksi? " ... " Enpä kyllä muista mitä tuo meinaa, enkä tiiä kirjotettiinko se noin, mutta sanoinpahan jotaki
Jaja, du mich auch :grin:
Aber mich würde echt interessieren was das heisst...
Dann könnte ich ein bißchen mit Finnisch rumprollen... :grin:
Originally posted by Hearse
I found IT!!! nothing can stop me now!
................... :lol:

:lol: :lol: You found pictures??

Do you actually like the music? I mean, it will be REALLY HARD to find a Metal fan in Brazil that likes Samba or Carnaval... :spin: That's why I was so bored! Samba in my ears 24hours a day:mad: I love dancing, but other stuff.:grin:

What about Finnish typical music? How does it sound to your ears? Does it have a special name?
Originally posted by Northern Viking

Jaja, du mich auch :grin:
Aber mich würde echt interessieren was das heisst...
Dann könnte ich ein bißchen mit Finnisch rumprollen... :grin:

Käännätin tämän kaverillani, hänen mukaansa se tarkoittaa:
"Joopa joo, sinä minulla auts :grin:
mutta minua ei vittuakaan kiinnosta mitä nää hommaat...
Tanskalaisen lihaköntin minulle ja bisse kera suomalaisen rumpalipojan... :grin: "
Would anybody around be so kind and translate:
"I cross my heart and hope to die"
"My hate has grown as strong as my confusion"
"Kill them All"
"Death to mankind"
to finnish? :)
thx a lot :grin:
Originally posted by Northern Viking
Would anybody around be so kind and translate:
"I cross my heart and hope to die"
"My hate has grown as strong as my confusion"
"Kill them All"
"Death to mankind"
to finnish? :)
thx a lot :grin:

"???? ja toivon kuolemaa" (cross my heart??)
"Vihani on kasvanut yhtä vahvaksi kuin hämmennykseni."
"Tappakaa ne kaikki" (works also without "ne")
"Kuolema ihmiskunnalle"

@torgoth... mitenkä minusta tuntuu että tuolla rumpalipojalla on jonkin sortin kaksoismerkitys. :grin:
Originally posted by Voice of God
@torgoth... mitenkä minusta tuntuu että tuolla rumpalipojalla on jonkin sortin kaksoismerkitys. :grin:

Pitää kysyä niiltä tuolla saksalaisessa ketjussa, jos sais vielä järkevän vastauksenki. Muutenkaan tuossa koko jututssa ei ollut hirveästi järkeä, vaikka se saatto johtua suomentajan veren alkoholipitoisuudestakin.:lol:
im just realizing how stupid i feel. everyone here is speaking 2 languages in here, if not more. as an american what do i have to show for myself?? half assed english with a boston accent.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I never expected Americans to be intelligently above the average, but not learning ANY language is the dumbest thing you could have done.
Well, you see I'm german and at least, I now how to express what I want in your language. I'd say I speak French a lot better.
And when you can speak French Italian isn't a problem, most of the words don't differ by more than one or max. two letters
Originally posted by dilema1362
im just realizing how stupid i feel. everyone here is speaking 2 languages in here, if not more. as an american what do i have to show for myself?? half assed english with a boston accent.

Hey, that's alright. At least you realized it would be good to learn something. That's a lot more than most Americans do. ;) :grin:
Originally posted by Starlight

Hey, that's alright. At least you realized it would be good to learn something. That's a lot more than most Americans do. ;) :grin:

I totally agree with that. Kenen mielestä jenkit eivät ole maailman tyhmin kansa?
Oh I'm sorry...
There are a lot of women around, hu?
Well, I'll remember... I'll think twice next time about answering rudely or not :grin:
Originally posted by Starlight

Pardon? Could you please repeat that in English, German or French? :grin:

I'm afraid that it cannot be translated to English. Älkää ny vittu kukaan kääntäkö tuota, nehän jenkit suuttuu mulle...:grin: :lol:
U can't quit this game, hen? Always joking about those who don't speak finnish :grin:
One day, I'll insult you in your own language! :p You'll see! :cool:

Does that scare you? :lol:
Umm well...
It's just, I thought we guys were alone here :grin:
With some few exceptions, that come, take a short look and disappear. I didn't expect any girl/woman to be interested in that youth things... ;)