All you need to know about Finnish language...

Originally posted by ukstin
sipulit on suolaisia! mitä jos punajuuret eivät sulakaan suussa? banaani ei sovi jälkiruoaksi, jos sen keskellä on autonrengas! sellasta on myös children of bodom

That doesn't make any sense, but I'll try anyway:
Onions are salty! What if beetroots won't melt in mouth? Banana doesn't fit for dessert, if there's a tyre in the middle of it! That's what children of bodom is also.

...So, pure bullshit.
Originally posted by Hepatiitti

Onions are salty! What if beetroots won't melt in mouth? Banana doesn't fit for dessert, if there's a tyre in the middle of it! That's what children of bodom is also.

Oh my god!!! It's sheer poetry!!! :grin: :lol: :grin:
Originally posted by Hearse

ARGHHH... I would give my soul for that :D
I really have to check those carnivals some day! :D :cool:

Samba is even more sexier than water.

It's carnial here too, I'm just about heading of all dressed up as a rasta :) It's a different kind of carnival though, we don't have naked ladies here:cry: too cold :mad:
For some pictures see my: What do you think of...-tread
Hey you Finns, since this thread is about the Finnish language tell me this:

How do you pronounce: the letter "a" with two dots on top?
two "a"s with dots on top one afterthe other (looks like this: a"a")?

Why the letter doubling?

Originally posted by Thrash
All right, got a question concerning some finnish words on the "I survived Lake Bodom" Longsleeve:

murha-järviset ... ja sota jatkuu !

Can anyone please tell me what that means ?


ja sota jatkuu = and the war goes on

I dont no how to say this, but it's something like "murder lakes"....
Originally posted by Hearse
we got samba carnivals here in helsinki too, but they can't be referred to "The Samba" carnivals... we got 1000 times smaller ones... and 1000 less sexier ones... :(

I've been in helsinki samba carnivals still, cause who could resist those ladies...not me... :grin:

Oh, my god... I live In Brazil since I was 3 and I've never learned how to like Samba:confused: But it sure is a fun party. I kind of like this full-of-feathers-sexy-look. Btw, I'm a girl, just to let you know why I'm not saying how gorgeous Brazilian women are:lol:

But are there actually Brazilian people in the Finnish Samba Carnivals?

Sorry, I am compleeeeeeeetely off topic:s
Originally posted by Hearse
how long the carnivals last in there? :D :cool:

Well, it depends on the State. In Bahia, for example, I think it lasts a whole week or more... and they even have pre-carnivals.
Here in Rio, the parade itself, lasts 3 or 4 days, I think, including big and small "samba schools"... but we have the whole week of hoilday.
Actually, I am bored to death right now!:lol: The City STOPS for Carnival... except downtown, where the thing really happens.
Why don't you try coming next year?:lol:
murha-järviset ... ja sota jatkuu !

Maybe... Ehm... That "murha-järviset" is quite difficult to translate correctly. But "murha" means "murder" and "järvinen" is a very ordinary finnish last name. "Järvi" is "a lake" and that "-nen" is just a little thing in the end of most finnish last names... Someone has said it formerly meant "little", but no one in Finland does understand it that way.

Originally posted by Agent of brutality
Can anyone here please tell me what "MENKÄÄ POIS" means?:confused:

I'm not from Finland but I know it anyway because this question was asked so many times before.
"Menkää pois" means "Go away".
Viking: Tja, ich bin halt allwissend. ;) Nein, du hast doch in irgendeinem anderen Topic geschrieben, dass du Deutscher bist. That's it.

Starlight: Da bin ich ja richtig überrascht, dass ich hier nicht ganz allein bin. Warum gebt ihr auch nicht an, wo ihr herkommt?

Trotzdem sollten wir hier nicht zuviel Deutsch reden, sonst werden die Finnen womöglich noch sauer. :lol:

Wie wär's: Hättet ihr Lust auf ein deutsches Topic?
Mitähän meikkis osais sanoa saksaksi? "Nur gelässenheit und ein ehernes herz führen zum SIEGE" Enpä kyllä muista mitä tuo meinaa, enkä tiiä kirjotettiinko se noin, mutta sanoinpahan jotaki.:lol: