All you need to know about Finnish language...


very cool and interesting thread I think.

A friend told me that finnish language has some kind of special position in Europe, because it doesn´t fit neither in the germanic (hope thats right word) nor in the roman language family!

Is that right?

whats the reason for this?

@the guy who recommended the translation machine, do you know something different for norwegian?
Somebody told me about , but it sucks, guess there are about 50 words there!

Originally posted by Starlight

Can you tell me if there are short forms (haha!), nicknames or pet forms for the following names...

Esa ... :grin:

Kai may be called "Kaitsu"... Don't know any nicks for the rest.

@do4et: Finnish doesn't belong to german or roman language families, that's true. I don't know the real reason, but I guess it's because Finns and Hungarians moved to Europe from... emm.. somewhere around the Volga-river in Russia. :rolleyes: Well, anyway, from different direction than rest of the people. Also Finland has been quite isolated and didn't start actively dealing with rest of the europe until about 1100-1200 AD.

But at least Hungarian and Estonian (which is very similar to finnish) languages should have the same "special" position. There was some thread on some UM-board that had more about this... can't remember which one. Maybe the chat-board.
Vittu = Strongest way to swear in hole fucking language..Same as Fuck in english.

Kyrpä = Cock

Partaveitsi = Razorblade (That thing what you use to slit wrists)

Hitto = Damn

Kuolema = Death

Kuolla (verb) = Die

Kalja = Booze

Use those words when you are visiting Finland...
And sorry about those errors in writing...
Originally posted by RealHazard
Vittu = Strongest way to swear in hole fucking language.

No no no no no..... Vittu is the most boring way to swear in the whole language. You can say vittu one thousand times and still one loud "PERRRKELE!" will come and claim the prize.

Jyrkkä ei vitun hokemiselle, perkele!
Originally posted by dilema1362

now....#1-is there a direct translation for that into english? and #2-how would you pronounce it?

#1: Strict no for saying fuck again and again, god damned. (not completely direct... but you get the point)

#2: now, this gets difficult to explain... ah, I'll take a challenge when I see one. :grin:

Jyrkkä - Yurkkae????
ei (like ay in lay)
vitun (like it is, i like in in)
hokemiselle (like it is, o like in lord (shorter though) i like in in)
perkele (like it is, all e's like in left)

I hope this helps you abroad.
I wonder how to pronounce all those double l's after double vowels.
in my clever book it says that all double letters are pronounced long, but damnit, how to speak -aall- , eell-, etc??? :o
or -lltt- :confused:
and where to set the accent in the long words? :confused:
Opacity, your sig is cool! :grin:

I'm sure some smart Finn is gonna help us soon. MY book says the accent is always on the first syllable, sooo if I recognize several words put together to one very looooong word I put an accent on the first syllable of each word. If I don't recognize different words... I'm in trouble. ;) In that case I think it's best to take a deep breath and go right through...

Wouldn't it be wonderful is someone posted a couple of soundfiles for us? :)
Originally posted by Starlight

Wouldn't it be wonderful is someone posted a couple of soundfiles for us? :)
I have something for you people. First, you need to have a sentence in finnish. Then you have to write it down here and you will hear how finn would pronounce it. Well, this is only a program so it sounds like finnish language spoken by a robot but I guess it's the best you can get.
BTW. the site is not so reliable. It's often offline.
Originally posted by Starlight
Opacity, your sig is cool! :grin:

thanks! ;)

I'm sure some smart Finn is gonna help us soon. MY book says the accent is always on the first syllable, sooo if I recognize several words put together to one very looooong word I put an accent on the first syllable of each word. If I don't recognize different words... I'm in trouble. ;) In that case I think it's best to take a deep breath and go right through...
I'm always in trouble... :spin:

@ ThePKH
Pistäkää sinne mikropuheeseen (linkki thePKH:n postissa) englanninkieltä, niin kuulette, miten keskiverto suomalainen ääntää englantia.

= Write some English into that Mikropuhe live -machine (link is in thePKH's last message) so you can hear how a typical Finn pronounces English.


EDIT: This should be the 100th reply btw... :) quite popular thread here.
MUAAHAHAHAAAAAA!!!! OH GOD! MERCY!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm rolling on the floor laughing my ass off, tears running down my face. Good heavens, that's so funny!!!

Okay, I tried English and Swiss dialect. Next will be Arabic I think. :grin:
Kind of off-topic, but not. Was watching the NHL All-star game the other day. Teemu Selanne shared a few words... and I could barely tell what the hell he said. His accent is real thick, and his English isnt the best.

And for whoever asked about why Finnish is serparate from the others... It's, to the best of my knowledge, subsidiary of pan-indo-slavic, or something... and kind of branched out onto it's own, as, whoever said it earlier.. have Hungary and Estonia.

I can grasp quite of a bit of French, Italian, German and Swedish though... because I know a lot of Spanish, so that helps with the other romantic languages... and English is closely enough related to germanic most of the time that you can see and hear similarities... but man, that Finnish.. that's something else entirely.

Originally posted by Hearse


Hmmm.. If I ever gonna move... it's straight to Brazil, to watch those crazy samba carnivals, and their pretty ladies... :goggly: :spin:

Ok, this is an old post...

...but you better run!! We're in Carnaval time right now:)
I saw a few Swedish and Finish people on tv that came to Rio because of Carnaval... I find it kind of funny........
Somebody please help me...

someone write in my guestbook this message:

sipulit on suolaisia! mitä jos punajuuret eivät sulakaan suussa? banaani ei sovi jälkiruoaksi, jos sen keskellä on autonrengas! sellasta on myös children of bodom

I´m from Brazil, and my page is in portuguese, everybody write there in portuguese or english (I speak a little;) )

So, if somebody can translate it to english I´d like a lot!!!!