up goes the monkey...

I had same feeling about german language when I studied it. But if I recall correctly (after little googling of course), "partitiivi" is used to answer to questions like "ketä" and "mitä", so the suffix in that case is usually -a and -ä. Sometimes it also might -ta or -tä. And here are simple examples of these:
Mitä sinä teet?
Ajan autoa
Mitä sinä katselet?
Ketä sinä odotat?
Ketä sinä odotat?
Okay, these examples are kinda retarded, but I hope you got the point ;_;
Normal people scare me but not nearly as much as I scare them
in Finnish?
"Normal people scare me but not nearly as much as I scare them" in Finnish: Normaalit ihmiset pelottavat minua, mutta eivät läheskään niin paljon kuin minä pelotan heitä.
Wow, never thought that the site has to do something with the fact that I'm a girlIf you are thinking that I'm a stalker- no, I just like Nightwish and he does pretty much everything for the band, so.. I don't find him very good- looking, if that's what you wanted to say