Am I the only one here that doesn't like Led Zeppelin?

I enjoy Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath. I'd say I enjoy black sabbath a lot more. Both are very different though, I would not say either is upbeat.
Life Sucks said:
Not all Zeppelin is upbeat, but songs such as Black Dog and Whole Lotta Lovin certainly are.

OK, so you obviously only know the fourth album, which is an excellent album I might add. But judging a band on one album is naive and unfair.
Btw it's "A Whole Lotta Love" and it rocks!!!
I like their upbeat songs, but their riff-based crunchers and their glorious epics are what do it for me. "Trampled Underfoot" is probably my favorite. Funky foot-stomping goodness.

Black Sabbath were better, and certainly heavier, but Zeppelin are still quite \m/.

Okay if you don't like them though. I don't like the Beatles.
The Beatles fucking suck. Led Zeppelin is either really crappy, okay, or fucking legendary depending on the song and my mood.
Dodens Grav said:
The Beatles fucking suck. Led Zeppelin is either really crappy, okay, or fucking legendary depending on the song [...]

Wow, this guy gets it right to a tee. Here's your prize: You get to listen to Cirith Ungol's "Frost and Fire." Enjoy.
Life Sucks said:
I mean, I can obviously tell that they were talented musicians, but their music isn't my cup of tea. They are too soft, bluesy, and upbeat for me, and most of their lyrics are about girls and sex.

I'm with you there. I appreciate Led Zeppelin, but can't listen to any of it but Physical Graffitti and even then, I end up shutting the fjucking thing off...
I was into classic rock before I listened to metal, and now when I hear a LZ song I cringe. I hate Stairway to Heaven with a passion. The only song of theirs I still like is Kashmir because of the epic vibe.
I think that Led Zeppelin wrote great songs and that they've been important for HArd Rock and HEavy MEtal evolution, but I've always found them a little boring...Listening to them, I don't know why, but after 3 minutes I skip to the next song...I prefear Deep Purple!
I have to put my two cents in this because this hits it home for me. I am so fucking sick of this bullshit I have to go through everyday at school. In third grade, I loved LZ, and now I hate them. They are overrated and I can't believe how stubborn people are about them. I am not dissagreeing with any of you about your views on them, but at my school I want to explode. My school is fool of stubborn Jackasses who think they are metal fans. They buy the "greatest of the 60's, 70's, 80's.." CD's, get a T-shirt, buy some trendy converse (scribble on them) and call themselves metal (Just the other day, I saw a kid at my school listening to music and he had a metal mullisha sweatshirt on. When I asked him what he was listening to, he said 50cent)If you have the audacity to listen to 50 cent, and call yourself metal, you should be shot. I hate people at my school so much because they ruined all good old bands for me. They overplay Iron Maiden, Ozzy, LZ, Judas Priest, The Beatles, and many other good old bands. The thing that really gets to me is that they are very one sided about what they listen to. I don't preach to them every day that classic rock is the best, and everything else sucks. Yet everyday I have to put up with their crap. A few days ago I was wearing a Damageplan shirt for respect of our fallen comrade, and some asswad came up to me and said, "Classic rock is much better than all that screaming crap" and I was about to walk on because I ignore these assholes but he said, "Dimebag rules though." I knew he didn't know what he was talking about so I said, "Ya I can't wait to see them on the tour for their new CD" and he went, "Ya me too." To wich I responded, "Too bad Dimebag got shot last year." Anyway, I'm done ranting, but I wish I was lying about this...

EDIT: The only LZ song I can stomach is Achillies last stand because it hasn't been played to the death.
Using the enter button between sentences wouldn't hurt.

I don't really like Zeppelin personally, very overrated, just because they made an influence on rock music doesn't mean they are the best band ever. I'd rather listen to a Sabbath album anyday.
what bothers me about Zeppelin is their meandering, often drunken song structures. i don't mind the sound at all, and its clear that they were all awesome musicians. however, it sounded to me like they punched record and made shit up while extremely intoxicated most of the time. i'm not really into it because a lot of it sounds so incoherent.
My impression of them from buying IV was overrated crap.......maybe that's do harsh on the music.....but in a musician sense they are overrated crap at least.
Spend more time listening to better stuff. Zeppelin was an influence, I guess, but there is just better out there. Spend your time listening to it.

btw: Dio-era Sabbath pwns, Life Sucks ;)