Am I the only one here that doesn't like Led Zeppelin?

what bothers me about Zeppelin is their meandering, often drunken song structures. i don't mind the sound at all, and its clear that they were all awesome musicians. however, it sounded to me like they punched record and made shit up while extremely intoxicated most of the time. i'm not really into it because a lot of it sounds so incoherent.


I listened to the first two albums and another one I can't identify at the moment and they didn't do much for me; I'll stick to old Sabbath.
I fucking LOVE Led Zeppelin, their isn't a song they've made that I don't like. Honestly aside from Pantera theirs never been a band that their hasn't been at least ONE song that I don't like. I cannot praise this band enough, only thing I don't like is how everyone says this band is metal, IMO they are just classic rock nothing more. I mean whats metal about them, maybe for back then they were heavy but now... their just simply classic rock.
hatecrewdroll said:
I have to put my two cents in this because this hits it home for me. I am so fucking sick of this bullshit I have to go through everyday at school. In third grade, I loved LZ, and now I hate them. They are overrated and I can't believe how stubborn people are about them. I am not dissagreeing with any of you about your views on them, but at my school I want to explode. My school is fool of stubborn Jackasses who think they are metal fans. They buy the "greatest of the 60's, 70's, 80's.." CD's, get a T-shirt, buy some trendy converse (scribble on them) and call themselves metal (Just the other day, I saw a kid at my school listening to music and he had a metal mullisha sweatshirt on. When I asked him what he was listening to, he said 50cent)If you have the audacity to listen to 50 cent, and call yourself metal, you should be shot. I hate people at my school so much because they ruined all good old bands for me. They overplay Iron Maiden, Ozzy, LZ, Judas Priest, The Beatles, and many other good old bands. The thing that really gets to me is that they are very one sided about what they listen to. I don't preach to them every day that classic rock is the best, and everything else sucks. Yet everyday I have to put up with their crap. A few days ago I was wearing a Damageplan shirt for respect of our fallen comrade, and some asswad came up to me and said, "Classic rock is much better than all that screaming crap" and I was about to walk on because I ignore these assholes but he said, "Dimebag rules though." I knew he didn't know what he was talking about so I said, "Ya I can't wait to see them on the tour for their new CD" and he went, "Ya me too." To wich I responded, "Too bad Dimebag got shot last year." Anyway, I'm done ranting, but I wish I was lying about this...

EDIT: The only LZ song I can stomach is Achillies last stand because it hasn't been played to the death.

Necroscythe said:
oh man, who cares that a bunch of 15year old don't like Led Zeppelin?

I bet, they're just getting back at us because we don't like linkin park.
What a retarded comment. Speaking for myself, I am 28, and I hate Linkin Park and all nu metal.
nah, totally agree. along with the doors and pink floyd, i think led zepplin is one of the most overrated bands of the century.

i can appreciate they were pioneers (to a certain degree) in generating what we listen to today. but so were a number of bands that wrote albums that fucking suck.

i also hate the fact that the radio always plays led zepplin's stairway to boredom at number 1 or 2 every time they do a top 100 rock songs of all time.
misfit said:
nah, totally agree. along with the doors and pink floyd, i think led zepplin is one of the most overrated bands of the century.

i can appreciate they were pioneers (to a certain degree) in generating what we listen to today. but so were a number of bands that wrote albums that fucking suck.

i also hate the fact that the radio always plays led zepplin's stairway to boredom at number 1 or 2 every time they do a top 100 rock songs of all time.
I feel the same way. It irks me that so many people (even many metalheads) view them as the best band ever. And I also don't like it when people label them as metal. Oh, and along with Zep, The Doors, and Pink Floyd, The Beatles were also one of the most overrated bands of the last century. But like Led Zeppelin, they were extremely talented. The same goes for The Rolling Stones.
Life Sucks said:
I feel the same way. It irks me that so many people (even many metalheads) view them as the best band ever. And I also don't like it when people label them as metal. Oh, and along with Zep, The Doors, and Pink Floyd, The Beatles were also one of the most overrated bands of the last century. But like Led Zeppelin, they were extremely talented. The same goes for The Rolling Stones.
I don't think their the best band ever, yet they were without a doubt one of the most influential. I love them, but that's just my opinion. I love The Doors and Pink Floyd. I happen to believe Jim Morrison was one of the most talented people ever. As for The Beatlels, yes, they're overrated a hell, but their music is very catchy.
I like some Led Zeppelin songs but in general it's not my cup of tea, too - their influence and talent cannot be questioned, though. But why don't people here like Pink Floyd? They have a lot of depth to their music and their songs are definitely complex and progressive. Oh well.
People don't like Pink Floyd because they're not fucking you, Sherlock. Not everyone has the same taste. Why the fuck does it matter whether or not someone likes Led Zeppelin or any other stupid fucking band? Shut the fuck up. God fucking damnit.
Dodens Grav said:
People don't like Pink Floyd because they're not fucking you, Sherlock. Not everyone has the same taste. Why the fuck does it matter whether or not someone likes Led Zeppelin or any other stupid fucking band? Shut the fuck up. God fucking damnit.
Exactly. There is no band that everyone would like. I have my own taste in music. So why the fuck should someone care that I don't like Led Zeppelin? I just started this thread because it seemed like I was the only one here that didn't like them. And even if I was, that wouldn't mean that my taste is wierd or bad.
Zeppelin is one of my favorite bands. If you're not into that bluesy kind of stuff then maybe you wouldn't like them that much but I am into blues-rock. I don't think music has to be depressing to be good. Alot of my favorite music is pretty upbeat.
kmik said:
I like some Led Zeppelin songs but in general it's not my cup of tea, too - their influence and talent cannot be questioned, though. But why don't people here like Pink Floyd? They have a lot of depth to their music and their songs are definitely complex and progressive. Oh well.

Pink Floyd rocks too. BTW.