"America Wake UP!" (must read to the end)

markgugs said:
Funny how you list this as a "fact," yet you then preface your statement with "as far as I know..."

How is that then a fact? You think it is?

The only fact is that you're wrong. MOST of the terrorists involved in the 9/11 attack were Egyptian, Syrian & Jordanian. A few were yes, from Saudi Arabia, and a few were from Iran and Afghanistan.

It's always much easier to argue why we shouldn't go to war...liberals rarely check their facts about anything. They just like to argue.

Yoo - got me in that; fact is that I don´t exactly know HOW many of them were Saudis ... and as far as I know not even one of the terrors was Iraqi.
Weren´t we argueing about the WHY the us wanna wage war on Iraq?
again: why will they attack?
Because Saddam is a monster? a murderer? heck yes! he is! but thats no excuse to attack a whole country! U.S. the world police, once again!

but thats it, I´ll stop argueing cause thats much too late ...
Inocent children will Die.
Fuck Bush, and tell him to give up his bombs ....Cunt

Sad that we will all die because of the "School yard Bully"

When shit starts here in Canada,My crew is on the death push,meaning kill one of us ,we kill 193 of your creed

Welcome War


I've watched the news again and i had to cry.
I'm scared, can't help it.
The images of people testing their gasmasks, people getting ready to evacuate, just all the fear...it is too much!
My heart aches when i see this.
Our government is about to fall again, because of this war.
And Bush thinks he's gonna save the world!

My mom has send me a message,
that she shares the best thing in the world, my birth.
She told me to see this day as my rebirth, after a long time of neglecting and not believing in myself.
A new beginning indeed..and again, i'm scared!
And Bush thinks, he's gonna save the world!

I told her we shared heaven together and she said:
"yes, Iris..indeed,
only a lot of people don't seem to realise that anymore".
It hit me like a train.
So, i started a chain-message, through text messaging, on my mobile phone and why?
"Religion is power, 'cause most of us feel like rats, in a maze"
And Bush thinks he's gonna save the world!

-We forgot to be our own gods, my mom and i agree.
We promissed eachother not to cry and to believe there's a "we"
So i send this, because i believe in me-

"one with the all,
one within mind
stop the war against terrorisme and keep thinking about this the whole day through
send love from the heart and hug eachother all over the world!!!!
peace and love for all." -x-

Call me an idiot, call me an idealist,
i just don't fucking care.
All i wish, is happiness
and one thought in mind, to share!!


"Create your own religion"
Serge said:
Yoo - got me in that; fact is that I don´t exactly know HOW many of them were Saudis ... and as far as I know not even one of the terrors was Iraqi.
Weren´t we argueing about the WHY the us wanna wage war on Iraq?
again: why will they attack?
Because Saddam is a monster? a murderer? heck yes! he is! but thats no excuse to attack a whole country! U.S. the world police, once again!

but thats it, I´ll stop argueing cause thats much too late ...

If there is another solution, please buy almeans tell me what it is, tell the whole world. But, if your resolve is sitting around and seeing what he will do, that is the wrong thing.

Iris, calm down sweety. This is not the end of the world, dispite what every one believes! The fight will be quick, but not the only conflict against terror (I know this is not what you want to hear, lol). After every one finds what is in Iraq, they will want the war againts terror to countinue to stop terror.
Of course this is my opinion.
A solution yeah I will tell ya
Get Bush to Fight all aposing Cuntrys fist to fist.
That will never happen because the leaders ?? of our
lands are weak fucking Tyrants.If we live through this war, there is gonna be new fuckin rules....
World Wide war = $ ,Oil.Hey Sin Stand Tight man because you have a familly to protect. Asmall village in N Korea can take out all of North America!!!



Even if it isn't the end of the world,i'm still AFRAID!!
That's why i wanted to share..
And get used to it, whaha..
i can be all melodramatic when i'm in these kinda waters, hihi ;)

xxx Iris xxx
Troyanasy said:
A solution yeah I will tell ya
Get Bush to Fight all aposing Cuntrys fist to fist.
That will never happen because the leaders ?? of our
lands are weak fucking Tyrants.

Well Troy, in "America", unlike Iraq, you can choose not to go and fight. This is done by not enlisting in the armed forces. In the event that a draft accurs, you can always go hind up in Canada :). In addition, Bush is for from being a tyrant, Saddam is a tyrant. Another thing, it is not a smart move to let your leader fight in the war. An army can only be affective if there is some chain of cammand. Kind of like laws, structure, oh and stradegy. Lastly, no bush would never go and fight fist to fist, you are right. That is because that is to civilized for these fucking terrorist. That is why we are here in there first place. If they were not such cowards as a whole, we would not need the T.W.A.T. in the first place.
Because I'm lazy, I'm going to post what I posted on the Overkill board (which was in reply to a bunch of "If you don't support Bush, get the fuck out" posts.)

You know what makes this country so great? The fact that it's a democracy. We have the right to express our opinions. So "If you don't like it, get the fuck out" is a pretty ignorant statement. Expressing my dislike of government actions is a PATRIOTIC act - I'm supporting the principles this country was founded on.

In addition to the two world wars, there was also something called Vietnam. We jumped in there because everyone in Congress was saying "Let's not appease these tyrants like we did Hitler." And look what happened.

I'm as supportive of the members of our armed forces as anyone, but Bush has cynically used used his post-9-11 popularity to get the authority to declare war without passing it by Congress. We're doing this without the world on our side, and there's going to be a hell a lot of Iraqis killed before we get at Saddam. "Shock and Awe," anyone? Hussein has his decoys and shelters, but the Iraqi people have nothing. And our soldiers are going to die for oil and imperialism.

I'd love to be wrong and see Saddam killed by the first wave of bombs, and the Iraqi people waving American flags and cheerfully greeting our soldiers as they roll in, and all those who are killed dying for democracy and freedom. But I don't think that's going to happen.

It's not our right to do this. We have plenty of nuclear weapons, which are far more dangerous that Hussein's biological stock, and we've demonstrated far more willingness to use them than any other country. After America invades Iraq and kicks out the UN inspectors, it should be our turn to get inspected and disarmed.

Unless some miracle happens and Saddam goes golfing in South France, there will be a nationwide American walkout tomorrow in protest of the war. Check around online for more info....I know it's downtown Thursday morning here in SF, but I dunno about other cities.
I Totaly Agree With Pyrus Because
I Have Been Talking To The Leader Of The Noblists And He Says That The Usa Has A Weapon That Is Powerfull Enough To Kill Everyone In North Korea With A Single Explosion And I Dont Think That An Idiot Like Bush Should Have That Kind Of Power Because I Know His Secret I Know That The Real Reason That Bush Hasn't Killed Saddam Or Bin Laden Or Castro Is Because He Doesn't Actually Want To Kill Specific People What He Really Wants Is To Have The Usa To Totaly Annialate Every Other Country Exept Ourselves And He Is About To Make It Happen Witch Is Really Fucking Scary Because He Has No Idea How Many Americans Will Be Killed By His "selective Service" Program Witch Is Basicaly Prep For A Draft (witch Will Happen) This Selective Service Thing Basicaly Means That When The Draft Actually Happens Every Single Male (with In Certain Age Limmits) Will Either Be Drafted Or Sent To Prison For Refusing To "sign Up For" This Program
they won't need a draft, unless they lose so many people they want to just keep dumping more people on the fronts.

but those kinds of wars don't happen nowadays.. they resort to that big bomb first.
Yeah The Leader Of The Noblists Said That The Standing Army Is So Fucking Huge That Even If We Go To A Full Scale War There Is Still No Way In Hell That The Reserves Will Ever See A Battlefeild.... But Then He Said That Bush Is Going To Have A Draft Any Way.... Apparently Bush Is An Idiot
Pyrus said:
Unless some miracle happens and Saddam goes golfing in South France, there will be a nationwide American walkout tomorrow in protest of the war. Check around online for more info....I know it's downtown Thursday morning here in SF, but I dunno about other cities.

Start walking, see ya, we won't miss you! You all can all go walk over to Iraq, or any ohter of those contries that think need not be civilized. The lives lost from the US will be minumal. I say we lose two planes and may be 6 troops.