American thrash metal


God To The Godless
Nov 3, 2002
Who would you guys say are the best American thrash metal acts of generation?

I guess kinda like the equivalant of Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth and Anthrax during the 80's. Really all I can come up with so far are Nevermore, Shadows Fall, and Iced Earth.
Testament if you still allow them to be in this current generation( which i believe is possible since they sound little like they did in the late 80s). Nevermore is clearly the most obvious American band producing cutting edge thrash( iced Earth or jon the prick shaffer is just wallowing in a total lack of creativity musically- not lyrically). Machine Head is back in fine form. I guess thrash has almost died out- at least in what aband can do within the confines of the genre.
i didnt no nevermore was from america..hmmm... i thoguht they..were..from...yea i like nevermore :cool:

nevermore is best. .....

from america..................... and i have a tidbit feeling for shadows fall.

*listens to inside four walls*
i just realized...that.............nevermore in one of there songs this the american way?

ok im stupid. :cry:
System Of A Down are pretty thrash-esque, and the guys are all American citizens, so.......ummm, \m/?
anonymousnick2001 said:
System Of A Down are pretty thrash-esque, and the guys are all American citizens, so.......ummm, \m/?

I love system of a down, they're still one of my favorite bands...but they're also Armenian...or however you spell it.. :cool:
Dew Scented - the best true thrash band of this "generation." They are not American, but they are pure modern thrash, and I would advise anyone who likes thrash to check them out. Pure ownage.
I have to say I'm not much of a fan of this 'new generation' Thrash. Thrash to me is basically dead. Thrash is/was Metallica, Megadeth, Testament, Dark Angel, Forbidden, Death Angel, Heathen (although they had a lot of Speed Metal), Vio-Lence, Anthrax, Overkill, Nuclear Assault, and Slayer, and that's just America. Today's 'Thrash' isn't hardly Thrash at all to me.