America's Folly


clown shoe baffoon
Nov 30, 2001
Originally Posted by Curran
this is something I found on the internet by complete accident. But it puts into words what I feel about where America is going, what we are doing, have been doing, and will probabley continue to do until a bigger monster than us comes along and swats us flat. the only victims in this nightmare are the inoccent.
Here is where I found it at

The United States govenment, my government, is committed to folly.
It is an arrogant Machine bent on creating chaos in the effort to mold order on its terms.
Misinformation, lies and propaganda are the Machine's methods of communication.
It is not a representative government. Instead, it is driven by minority idealism.
Be free to speak to a deaf Government; be free to speak to powerless representatives.
Be restless, be frustrated, be angry, and be prepared.
It is only getting uglier; the deathtoll is rising
Be liberated from limb, be liberated from family and be liberated from life.
This Machine is alive and hungry.
I see the main problem is the human race has forgot, it's senses have been dulled through technology, apathy, religion and money. There is no innocent, not by their own fault, but by default. The flow of energy follows the easiest path, not always the best one, more often than not the path is down.
did you know that most of the Iraq generals are actually christains!!!!!! they hate musslims. how could they be in league with the monsters who destroyed the world trade center. THEY HATE EACH OTHER. funny how we have christains killing christians again(another holy war it looks to me)
hahahahaha....the hate of islam. DO you suppose thats why the iraqi ppl were being SADDAMized?

lets change the subject shall we? Hows your bands going curran? ANy news?
Aggression Core is going well we have a few shows lined up and my studio is getting geared up for Van to roll in this week to track the new Pure Sweet Hell album adn Annihilator is getting ready for the summer festivals!!! WOO HOO good times good times!
Love Curran
SOunds cool. Im getting the new Annihilator. I need to get some of the Aggression Core.

You should advertise your studio in BWBK, like your fellow axe man is doing with his producing.
when religon gets in the way of life? The sun, earth, moon and the well being of our planet should be the only things that worry us. Not having one's head shoved in some pretentiious book, whichever it may be. Screw the Christians, screw the catholics (actually fuck all the catholics too, but they would probably like that) screw the muslims, it's all bullshit that doe'nt matter in the first place. If the "allmighty one" wanted to "tell us all what it is" it would be plainly obvious to everyone, not just a select few. But we seem to ignore the thing that we are all common too, this planet that we ride around a unfathomable ball of flame. Yet "we" totally ignore that concept and are racing to nowhere upon some beliefs that no one truely can identify when it is right beneath our feet.
ledmag said:
SOunds cool. Im getting the new Annihilator. I need to get some of the Aggression Core.

You should advertise your studio in BWBK, like your fellow axe man is doing with his producing.
hey now that is a good idea!!!! maybe i could get some extra bidnezz from da peeps!!!!!! hahahahahahaahahahahhahahahahahahahahah Van comes in tonight to set up his drums in the haven of the Smiley Face!

the new Pure Sweet Hell will be great!!!!
Love Curran
or just go the the forum on this same site!
Reverand Joint Smoker said:
I see the main problem is the human race has forgot, it's senses have been dulled through technology, apathy, religion and money. There is no innocent, not by their own fault, but by default. The flow of energy follows the easiest path, not always the best one, more often than not the path is down.
Reverand Joint Smoker said:
when religon gets in the way of life? The sun, earth, moon and the well being of our planet should be the only things that worry us. Not having one's head shoved in some pretentiious book, whichever it may be. Screw the Christians, screw the catholics (actually fuck all the catholics too, but they would probably like that) screw the muslims, it's all bullshit that doe'nt matter in the first place. If the "allmighty one" wanted to "tell us all what it is" it would be plainly obvious to everyone, not just a select few. But we seem to ignore the thing that we are all common too, this planet that we ride around a unfathomable ball of flame. Yet "we" totally ignore that concept and are racing to nowhere upon some beliefs that no one truely can identify when it is right beneath our feet.