Amon Amarth Studio diary!

What kind of a budget are you guys working on, if you don't mind sharing?

Also, I'd rather have the album kick ass than have a ridiculous lead up.
I think some of the female posters on here might appreciate your naked ass, but who can say...

Be happy about the fact that they even took the time out of their busy schedule to do this report. They're not obligated to do any of this. They're doing this for their fans and unfortunately there are some seriously ungrateful bastards like you out there.

As for his naked ass, I hold the rights to that. ;)
Does what it says on the tin.

Part One

Be happy about the fact that they even took the time out of their busy schedule to do this report. They're not obligated to do any of this. They're doing this for their fans and unfortunately there are some seriously ungrateful bastards like you out there.

As for his naked ass, I hold the rights to that. ;)

I absolutely agree. Aren't they cute? :D always thinking about us...
why would you want to have something that even resembles in flames? i put them in the category with the rest of the tripe that comes out these days: mediocrity! that's just my opinion though, it's all subjective.
A: Fuck you
B: A again, I happen to like them
C: I don't mean any of this personally

Be happy about the fact that they even took the time out of their busy schedule to do this report. They're not obligated to do any of this. They're doing this for their fans and unfortunately there are some seriously ungrateful bastards like you out there.
Yo chill. I wasn't all like "this sucks no naked drummers and shit." I'm not ungrateful or whatever.

For gamers, a comparison: IF is like blizzard - they spend a shitload of time on stuff like April Fools jokes and stuff and don't put effort into making their games awesome (proof of this: Diablo III doesn't exist). AA is more like the guys making Duke Nukem Forever - not much info except to tell you what engine they're working with, but you know when it comes out it'll kick fucking ass.

I'm psyched for the next one (which I assume will involve setting up the guitars). I'm assuming that the guitar sound will be the same, but I hope to scope out exactly what equipment is being used for purposes of assembling my own rig.
I'm also giddy over the possibility of hearing a couple riffs, even though I can predict what it will be like: really epic tremelo-picking melodies and some fucking intense headbanging riffs.

Shot in the dark here:

An apocalyptic future where robots rule the earth and only a man named Hohan Jegg can save the earth.

Or vikings.

Though I personally think the first one is more likely.
How about they start using Asian scales in their music and write about an epic war between pirates and ninjas.
For gamers, a comparison: IF is like blizzard - they spend a shitload of time on stuff like April Fools jokes and stuff and don't put effort into making their games awesome.

What? Blizzard rules!
I'm so gonna have to buy a new computer for the upcoming Starcraft 2! (btw, theres a new unit : the THOR! :D)

(and its "ninja dinosaurs".. not emo..).
I can't imagine a yank saying the word cunt.
I love using it, but when I think of it, I always think of londoners. Ala Rambo 4. "C'MON YOU SPINELESS CUNTS!" and then he nuts one of them to death. :kickass: